Shadow And Bone Quotes

Shadow And Bone Quotes – Thought Provoking Proverbs

Welcome to our collection of Shadow and Bone Quotes. Here you will find some of the most inspirational and memorable quotes from the Shadow and Bone trilogy. From the main characters, to side characters, to the dark and mysterious world of Ravka, each quote will transport you to a world filled with adventure, love, and incredible magic. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of Shadow and Bone!

Shadow and Bone quotes to gear up for the 2nd season of the show

🔹 “Cardinal North is a direction on a map. True North is home. You have always been my true north, Mal.” ― Alina

🔹 “I’d rather starve than be a traitor.” ― Nina

🔹 “I’m old enough to know the only way out is through.” ― Alina

🔹 “I’ve never been welcome here, because I look like my mother, and she looked like the enemy.” ― Alina

🔹 “Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper. Only out of spite.” ― Kaz Brekker

🔹 “No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take.” ― Kaz Brekker

🔹 “Now bring me Alina Starkov.” ― Dreeson

🔹 “One look and I can tell…criminals.” ― Dreeson

🔹 “Our enemies are threatened by your mere existence.” ― General Kirigan

🔹 “The bone road ebbs and and the bone road flows.” ― Alina

🔹 “They aren’t the monsters. They’re just boys.” ― Alina

🔹 “We can’t hide forever. We can run together.” ― Alina

🔹 “Well greed always worked for me.” ― Jesper

🔹 “When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it’s full of monsters.” ― Alina

Shadow and Bone quotes from Mal and others

🔹 “I have been an outsider before, that is no excuse.” ― Alina

🔹 “I still don’t like you, but I’m grateful for you. So remember this — Saints become martyrs before they get to be heroes. So, stay alive.” ― Zoya

🔹 “I’ll find my way back to you.” ― Mal

🔹 “I’m sorry that it took me so long to see you, Alina, but I see you now.” ― Mal

🔹 “Needing anyone else is weak.” ― Baghra

🔹 “No ordinary tracker. No ordinary girl.” ― General Kirigan

🔹 “So there is a brain inside all the muscle.” ― Nina

🔹 “Today, we redraw all the maps. With the power of the Sun Summoner at my command, I control the Fold and its monsters. I can move it to any border I like, engulf any harbor, consume any city. Take what you have seen back to your home countries. Tell the Fjerdans. Tell the Shu Han. There will be no more war with Ravka. All countries will answer to us. For who would oppose us now?” ― Kirigan

 “We are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets.” ― Jesper

Shadow and Bone quotes from Mal and others

🔹 “We set out with a clear mission, a prize of a million kruge. And a new member on our crew. So, what did we learn? People with trains are evil. You can’t kidnap a human sunbeam. And maybe, just maybe, greed is a poor motivator. True wealth is the friends you make along the way.” ― Jesper

Best Quotes from Netflix’s Shadow and Bone

🔹 “Please, call me Aleksander.” -Kirigan

🔹 “When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place and it’s full of monsters.” -Alina

🔹 “Answer the Question. What are you?” -Kirigan

🔹 “At least now, thanks to General Kirigan, we’re protected. Feared. And that’s how we survive. Not by being overlooked, but by making them look, and knowing you’re powerful.” -Grisha guard

🔹 “Child, Aleksander is the Black Heretic.” -Baghra

🔹 “Conductor. I have a job for you. Get us to Little Palace.” -Kaz

🔹 “Do you know the only thing more powerful than you or me? The two of us. Together. Together, we can end all wars. We can protect our own. Is that not what you want?” -Kirigan

🔹 “Don’t be rash. You stick with us, everybody gets what they want…” -Jesper

🔹 “Don’t. He’s our way to Alina Starkov…It isn’t worth more than what we get with him alive.” -Kaz

🔹 “Everyone believes that you are the one. Come back when you believe it too.” -Baghra

🔹 “Find this man staying tonight at this address, and kill him for me…Do this and you are free and clear.” -Tante Heleen

🔹 “Grab the Damn goat! It’s not bait, it’s for you! I need you to calm down. Huge the goat. Shut the hell up.” -The Conductor

🔹 “Her name is Alina Starkov. And she will bring liberation to us all.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Hope is dangerous. It clouds your judgment. Pray, Scream, do whatever you have to do to push this out of your mind and move on. We all have debts to pay.” -Kaz

🔹 “I am a witch hunter, and you are a witch. You are my prisoner.” -Matthias

🔹 “I can’t stop seeing your face that day on the skiff. I don’t think I ever will.” -Mal

🔹 “I don’t have to kill you, Darkling. Your past will do it for me.” -Mal

🔹 “I had a spy. Nina Zenik. Ring any bells?” -Kirigan

🔹 “I have no army to fight yours, so I shall remake yours as my own. Submit to me!” -Aleksander

🔹 “I know her. We’re friends. You let me see her…I’ll tell you where the Stag is.” -Mal

🔹 “I like seeing you this way…but…I want you to be careful.” -Genya

🔹 “I made something.” -Aleksander

🔹 “I may have considered throwing myself down the stairs to get out of it once or twice.” -Alina

🔹 “I need you to do something for me. Erase it.” -Alina

🔹 “I only invest in the one of a kind. She isn’t like you. No one is.” -Kaz

🔹 “I shall be right by your side. You and I are going to change the world, Alina” -Kirigan

🔹 “I used to struggle. I used to try to fight him off. That never worked in my favor. I waited for years for my chance for revenge.” -Genya

🔹 “I’d come here, throw a coin. Make a wish in the fountain. Same wish, over and over again, that I could be anyone else.” -Kirigan

🔹 “I’d rather starve than be a traitor.” -Nina

🔹 “I’d wager you’d need a skilled tracker to find her now. Pity.” -Baghra

🔹 “I’d wait until a Healer is close by before you pull this out. Or…you’ll bleed out in 30 seconds.” -Inej

🔹 “I’ll find my way back to you. Promise.” -Mal

🔹 “I’ll go. Put me on the Skiff.” -Alina

🔹 “I’m a Tailor. I can fix, but I can also modify.” -Genya

🔹 “I’m dreaming about that Stag again. I know you’d laugh. Tell me it’s just a fable. Then again, so was the sun summoner. And yet, here I am.” -Alina

🔹 “I’m fine, Safe in the little palace. It’s like I blinked and the whole world changed.” -Alina

🔹 “I’m not going to kill you, Mal. I don’t need to. Time will do it for me.” -Kirigan

🔹 “I’m sorry that it took me this long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.” -Mal

🔹 “I’m terrified of failure or success. If I really do have this power, who am I?” -Alina

🔹 “I’m the one who found the Stag, I should be the one to deliver the news to her. To him. To General Kirigan.” -Mal

🔹 “I’ve always felt like an outsider. Especially when I first got here. But now I finally feel like I belong. And not that I just belong here, but to something greater…that we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope for the future.” -Alina

🔹 “I’ve seen the way Kaz looks when he says Pekka’s name. Kaz wants revenge.” -Inej

🔹 “If I’m meant to die today and either of you two survive, make sure I have an open casket.” -Jesper

🔹 “If we’re going to survive a roundtrip through the Fold, we’ll need a miracle or two.” -Kaz

🔹 “Inej is yours to lose now. It’s all yours to lose.” -Tante Heleen

🔹 “Is this my life now? Hunted wherever I go?” -Alina

🔹 “It’s science. Or rather…small science. We do not conjure from nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Mal, when we find the Stag. I need to be the one to kill it.” -Alina

🔹 “Needing anyone else is weak.” -Baghra

🔹 “Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper. Only out of spite.” -Kaz

🔹 “Nina’s been on a priority mission for me and she’s not reported in. If she’s alive, she may need our help.” -Kirigan

🔹 “No ordinary tracker. No ordinary girl. Orphans of Keramzin. Reunited. Adorable.” -Kirigan

🔹 “No saint ever watched over me. Not like you have.” -Kaz

🔹 “No. Remember who’s driving. Your power is mine now.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Not many people surprise me, Miss Starkov.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Now, I control it.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Now, I’m old enough to know that the only way out is through.” -Alina

🔹 “Only the Grisha who takes that life can take that creature’s power.” -The Apparat

🔹 “Our futures depend on this.” -Kaz

🔹 “She stays, and we have an exclusive on this job…No businessman worth his salt bargains for what he can take.” -Kaz

🔹 “She will change the future. Starting now…Now call the sun.” -Kirigan

🔹 “So there is a brain inside all of that muscle.” -Nina

🔹 “So, that went well.” -Jesper

 “Take away my shadows and I still have something that you don’t. Patience.” -Kirigan

Best Quotes from Netflix’s Shadow and Bone

🔹 “Thank you for finding me.” -Alina

🔹 “The carriage doesn’t matter. It’s the horse that makes the difference. The horse determines how far, how fast…and that determines whether you get caught or not.” -Jesper

🔹 “The coffers are running dry, the noose tightens, and our own people are turning against Grisha, just as their kin once did.” -Kirigan

🔹 “The Fold? Well, of course, certain death pays a million.” -Kaz

🔹 “The job was to pick up a fake for an easy million kruge. We found a living saint who can summon the sun.” -Inej

🔹 “The other option is…I’ll cave your head in with your own cane and dump you in the harbor. Hmm? That first option seems better now, don’t it?” -Pekka

🔹 “There is something far greater than armies, something strong enough to topple kings and generals, to crumble nations and birth empires. Faith, Alina.” -The Apparat

🔹 “There must be a place where we’re not just Grisha and Druselle.” -Nina

🔹 “There she is. Welcome.” -Baghra

🔹 “Unlike a spider, I only need one good leg. However, you look like you need both hands.” -Kaz

🔹 “We are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets. I should have brought Milo.” -Jesper

🔹 “We cannot let him obtain that kind of power.” -Baghra

🔹 “We could’ve had this. All of it. You could’ve made me your equal. Instead, you made me this.” -Alina

🔹 “We set out with a clear mission, a prize of a million kruge, and a new member on our crew. So, what did we learn? People with trains are evil. You can’t kidnap a human sunbeam. And maybe, just maybe…greed is a poor motivator. True wealth is the friends you make along the way.” -Jesper

🔹 “We should head north. Find the Stag before he does.” -Alina

🔹 “Welcome home, Miss Starkov.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Well I need someone to take the fall for my petty crimes, that’s all.” – Mal

🔹 “When I’m strong enough, we’ll come back. Together. And tear it down. Now that the darkling is dead.” -Alina

🔹 “Where you are, whatever you need…my hand is yours.” -Inej

🔹 “Why would we destroy the fold? It’s the greatest weapon that we’ve got.” -Kirigan

🔹 “You are horrible. You’re loud…and you’re lewd…and you’re treacherous. How do I know you’re not messing with my insides and making me feel like I like you?” -Matthias

🔹 “You are my true north. And I can see my way to you now.” -Mal

🔹 “You are not a woman. You are Grisha. Do not speak to me again.” -Matthias

🔹 “You are not alone.” -Alina

🔹 “You cannot claim what was not given to you. The Stag chose me.” -Alina

🔹 “You don’t bring in a Heartrender unless you need an answer out of someone who isn’t willing to talk. That’s how we get this job before anyone else. Bring Dressen a Heartrender.” -Kaz

🔹 “You have until sunrise, then your ship will have sailed, Mr. Brekker. The prize is one million Kruge. Now bring me Alina Starkov.” -Dressen

🔹 “You made him afraid. Now he wants you to fear him.” -Baghra

🔹 “You may have needed me, but I never needed you.” -Alina

🔹 “You may have the power of light, but not the power to heal. I know the track is important to you. Give me the Stag and I’ll have my healer save him.” -Kirigan

🔹 “You may well be the first of your kind, but we’ve always had a name for you. For what we hope you can do. Enter the Fold. Destroy it from within.” -Kirigan

🔹 “You never make enough to compete with Pekka, you know? He’s a king. You’re just a Bastard of the Barrel.” -Poppy

🔹 “You smuggle Grish out of my palace! You help them abandon the war effort.” -Kirigan

🔹 “You won’t believe me…it was a sun summoner…Her name is…Alina Starkov.” -Alexei

🔹 “You’ve seen what the sun summoner can do. Now bear witness to what I can do…with her power.” -Kirigan

🔹 “Your first words to me were ‘what are you.’ This is what I am.”-Alina

Best “Shadow And Bone” Quotes from Leigh Bardugo’s Trilogy

🔹 “I’m sorry it took me so long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.” — Mal

🔹 “We all have our secrets.” — The Darkling

🔹 “He sounded so sincere, so reasonable, less a creature of relentless ambition than a man who believed he was doing the right thing for his people. Despite all he’d done and all he intended, I did almost believe him. Almost.” — Alina

🔹 “His kind of power, the way he looks. You’d have to be mad or blind not to notice it.” — Genya

🔹 “I hate hiding how much the stupid things he did hurt me, but I hated the idea of him finding out even more.” — Alina

🔹 “I missed you every hour. And you know what the worst part was? It caught me completely by surprise. I love you, Alina, even the part of you that loved him. — Mal

🔹 “I try to make a habit of getting things hopelessly wrong.” — Alina

🔹 “I wanted to run after him, to take back what I’d said, to beg him to stay, but I’d spent my life running after Mal. Instead, I stood in silence and let him go.” — Alina

 “I’ve been waiting for you a long time, Alina. You and I are going to change the world.” — The Darkling

Best "Shadow And Bone" Quotes from Leigh Bardugo's Trilogy

🔹 “I’m not Grisha. I’m a mapmaker. I’m not even a very good mapmaker.” — Alina

🔹 “Like calls to like.” — Alina

🔹 “Make me your villain.” — The Darkling

🔹 “People, particularly big men carrying big rifles, don’t expect lip from a scrawny thing like me. They always look a bit dazed when they get it.” — Alina

🔹 “The moment our lips met, I knew with pure and piercing certainty that I would have waited for him forever.” — Alina

🔹 “The problem with wanting, is that it makes us weak.” — The Darkling

🔹 “The stag had been showing me my strength — not just the price of mercy but the power it bestowed. And mercy was something the Darkling would never understand.” — Alina

🔹 “There’s no such thing as too much champagne. Though your head will try to tell you otherwise tomorrow.” — Genya

🔹 “There’s nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk.” — The Darkling

🔹 “This was his soul made flesh, the truth of him laid bare in the blazing sun, shorn of mystery and shadow. This was the truth behind the handsome face and the miraculous powers, the truth that was the dead and empty space between the stars, a wasteland peopled by frightened monsters.” — Alina

🔹 “We’d been robbed. We’d almost been killed. We were being hunted by the most powerful man in Ravka. But we were friends again, and sleep came more easily than it had in a long time.” — Alina

Shadow And Bone’s The Darkling Has 38 Quotes Perfect For Your Intense Selfies

🔹 “Answer the question. What are you?”

🔹 “Can you summon light?”

🔹 “Enter the Fold. Destroy it from within.”

🔹 “Fine, make me your villain.”

🔹 “I have been fighting this war alone for so long.”

🔹 “I have been waiting a long time for you.”

🔹 “I just want to talk to you.”

🔹 “I read your letters.”

🔹 “I was trying to save us.”

🔹 “I’ve survived for centuries. Did you really think you could kill me?”

🔹 “It came from everywhere, because you called upon it to come.”

🔹 “It will take more than this!”

🔹 “It’s just you and me now, Alina. And we are all we need anyway.”

🔹 “It’s why I built the Little Palace in the first place.”

🔹 “No, you don’t.”

🔹 “Not many people surprise me, Miss Starkov.”

🔹 “Now call the sun.”

🔹 “Orphans of Keramzin. Reunited. Adorable.”

🔹 “Our enemies are threatened by your mere existence.”

🔹 “She’ll realize she has only one equal.”

🔹 “So, who actually saw what happened?”

🔹 “Submit to me.”

🔹 “Tell me something only few about her would know.”

🔹 “The only thing more powerful than you and me: the two of us.”

🔹 “There are no others like us, and there never will be.”

🔹 “There will be no more war with Ravka. All countries will answer to us. For who would oppose us now?”

🔹 “They are traitors who tried to kill you. This is retribution.”

🔹 “Today, we redraw all the maps.”

🔹 “You and I are going to change the world.”

🔹 “You are a child.”

🔹 “You are Grisha. You are not alone.”

🔹 “You know it just from these old pictures.”

🔹 “You look lovely, by the way.”

🔹 “You mean a lot… to everyone.”

🔹 “You stay in the dark.”

🔹 “You were perfect.”

🔹 “You were supposed to enter accompanied by palace guards.”


The Shadow And Bone Quotes remind us that no matter what darkness or shadows we may face, there is always light and hope. We can learn to embrace our strengths, find courage, and ultimately rise above our circumstances. Shadow and Bone is a story of resilience, courage and hope that can inspire us to be the very best versions of ourselves.

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