Tyler Perry Quotes

Tyler Perry Quotes – From Struggle To Success

Tyler perry is a renowned american actor, screenwriter, producer, and director who has earned global recognition for his work in the entertainment industry. He has written and produced several popular movies, plays, and television shows. Tyler perry quotes have been widely shared across social media platforms. Perry’s quotes are often full of wisdom and insight, and can be used to help motivate or inspire people in their everyday lives. This article will provide some of the best tyler perry quotes, highlighting his wisdom and wit.

Tyler Perry Quotes On Owning Your Dreams

🌌 “Sometimes you have to be hidden, sometimes people are not supposed to recognize you.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I’m a student of life and everyday something in my life is reminding me of something that I can write about.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Everything that happens to you can work for your good if you let it.” –Tyler Perry

“My only idea, my only focus was to do my one play, and I knew if could get that to work everything would come to pass.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes On Owning Your Dreams

🌌 “Focus on one thing, one area. Put all of your energy into watering one area.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “If you spread the water across many, many seeds, you don’t have as much water for one seed.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “We don’t have wait for somebody to green light our projects, we can create our own intersections.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Ideas are like wild horses in my head sometimes, and they’re all over each other.” –Tyler Perry

🌌 “All of the power that you have and all of the strength that you have and all the ideas that you have are in or born in your uniqueness.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Focus on one thing, make it your priority and stick with it no matter what.” –Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes On Determination And Reaching Goals

🌌 “You can be born in a whole lot of a nightmare, but God can usher you into a dream.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I think it’s very very important that people have an opportunity to be the best of themselves.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Never despise small beginnings.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “If you’re struggling and you’re fighting to be seen, sometimes you’re supposed to be hidden…at the right time, God we reveal you, your talents, and everything you’ve done to the world.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I like working with people who like to have fun because I don’t everything has to be serious.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “If you’re trying to get there, you cannot stop believing.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “When something is for you, there is a feeling deep inside you that will not allow you to let it go.” – Tyler Perry

“I wanna know why. Why is it done that way. Is there a better way to do it.Is there another way to do it.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes On Determination And Reaching Goals

🌌 “I’m not a rebel, but I’ve challenged the thinking.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “We don’t have to be at the end of the line waiting for a handout, we can be at the front giving the hand up.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes To Help You Reach Your Highest Potential

🌌 “Rather than being an icon, I wanna be an inspiration.” – Tyler Perry

“Every dreamer in this room, there are people whose lives are tired to your dream. Own your stuff, own your business, own your way.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes To Help You Reach Your Highest Potential

🌌 “When I started hiring Taraji, Viola Davis and Idris Elba, they couldn’t get jobs in this town but God blessed me to be in a position to be able to hire them. I was trying to help somebody cross.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I want to own a network. I want to own a network where you can turn it on with your family all day long and get positive reinforcement.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “My biggest success is getting over the things that have tried to destroy and take me out of this life. Those are my biggest successes. It has nothing to do with work.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I only wanna put out good things because I only want good things to come to me.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “All you can do is plant your seed in the ground, water it and believe. That’s what allowed me to be in this position right now, I would not stop believing.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Anything you want is possible, If I din’t believe it, I wouldn’t take the time to send this message to you.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “When I built my studio, I built it in a neighborhood that’s one of the poorest neighborhoods in Atlanta so that young black kids can see that a black man did that and they can do it too.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “The studio was once a Confederate Army base — and I want you to hear this — which meant that there were Confederate soldiers on that base, plotting and planning on how to keep 3.9 million Negroes enslaved. Now that land is owned by one Negro.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes That Will Inspire You To Be Stronger And To Live A Better Life

🌌 “Don’t let people change who you are, just be who you are with someone else.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “You can never be upset with the people who forced you into your dream.” – Tyler Perry

🌌  “What I have learned in this life is, you can never be ashamed of where you come from.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “You can’t make yourself happy by causing other people’s misery.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “There will be rough nights but joy really does come in the morning.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “While you’re fighting for a seat at the table, I’ll be down in Atlanta building my own.’ Because what I know for sure is that if I could just build this table, God will prepare it for me in the presence of my enemies.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Be aware of the darkness but your focus should always be the light.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Share wisdom with those who will receive it.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “You give away your power when you don’t forgive.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I’m just enjoying my life. I suggest you try it.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes To Inspire And Motivate You

🌌 “It doesn’t matter if a million people tell you what you can’t do, or if ten million people tell you no. If you get one yes from God, that’s all you need.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “You can’t build your life around hurts from the past.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees you.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “I don’t think dreams die – I think that people give up.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Stay in your lane and do what you’re supposed to do.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Fear is a spirit that really can stop you from living.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Be careful what you say, life and death truly are in your own words.” – Tyler Perry

🌌 “Are You Living or Just Existing?” – Tyler Perry

“People ask me all the time, how did you make it? I say it in press all the time but people cut it out…it was nothing but the grace of God.” – Tyler Perry

Tyler Perry Quotes To Inspire And Motivate You

🌌 “It takes a while to build a dream.” – Tyler Perry


In conclusion, tyler perry’s quotes are a great source of inspiration and motivation for all of us. They remind us to stay focused on the positive and to never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be. His words of wisdom have helped countless individuals to stay strong in the face of adversity and to remain hopeful in the face of life’s challenges.

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