Smallville Quotes

Smallville Quotes – That Will Change Your Perspective

Smallville Quotes! Here you will find some of the best quotes from the hit TV show Smallville. Smallville aired for 10 seasons, and became a fan favorite for its thrilling storylines and memorable characters. This collection of quotes will take you back to your favorite moments in the show and help you remember why you fell in love with Smallville in the first place. Enjoy!

Smallville quotes from Lex Luthor

💠 “You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “I don’t care about the past – I believe in the power to reinvent yourself.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “You have no idea what I’m capable of.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “A man is judged by the quality of his friends. If the quarterback’s with them, he’ll have to face the consequences.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “I plan on being great all by myself.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “In my experience, I’ve found you can never have too much information.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “You know in ancient Persia, the kings would kill a messenger who brought them news they didn’t like. In modern times a sword in the chest might seem a little extreme. Something more subtle would be in order. Enjoying your drink?” — Lex Luthor

💠 “Failure isn’t something I’m used to doing.” — Lex Luthor

“Love isn’t about playing it safe. It’s about risks. Unless you’re willing to put yourself out there, you’ll never know.” — Lex Luthor

Smallville quotes from Lex Luthor

💠 “Clark, you can’t save the world. All you’ll end up with is a Messiah complex and a lot of enemies.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “Anyone who doesn’t appreciate poetry doesn’t understand that it’s all about seduction.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “You both stood your ground and are doing what you want. I caved. You two have inspired me.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “I’m just interested in people who ruled the world before they were thirty.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “Darker times call for darker methods.” — Lex Luthor

💠 “You can learn a lot from someone you hate.” — Lex Luthor

💠“In the comic-book world, when you’re destined to save mankind, you’re destined to be alone.” — Lex Luthor

Smallville quotes from Lois Lane

💠 “A couple more hugs and maybe you’ll have the ‘bah humbugs’ squeezed out of you.” — Lois Lane

💠 “Careful, Lois. This is the part where the doomed girl runs into the guy with the hockey mask.” — Lois Lane

💠 “Well, this has Lucy written all over it in backstabbing b*tch-berry lip gloss.” — Lois Lane

💠 “I don’t think he’s the easiest guy to read, being that he’s an ice fortress and all. But there’s part of him that’s very human.” — Lois Lane

💠 “If I know one thing, Clark Kent’s heart is usually right.” — Lois Lane

💠 “Before that handsome hero face ends up on jumbo screens in all your red and blue glory, we need to make sure there is nothing handsome or heroic about Clark Kent.” — Lois Lane

💠 “She didn’t want me to see her because she was afraid she would look weak. I think she felt like she had failed me by leaving. Clark, she’s the bravest person I know.” — Lois Lane

Smallville quotes from Clark Kent

💠 “Oh yeah. Joining the football team and pouring some coffee. We’re a couple of real rebels.” — Clark Kent

“Lana, we all make mistakes. I’m living proof of that. It’s how we come back from the mistakes that’s what matters.” — Clark Kent

Smallville quotes from Clark Kent


Smallville has given us some of the most iconic quotes of all time. From Clark Kent’s inspiring words to Lex Luthor’s cunning remarks, these quotes are sure to stay with us for years to come. They remind us of the importance of friendship and loyalty, and the power of hope and determination. Whether we need a pick-me-up or a reminder to keep striving for our goals, Smallville quotes are the perfect source of motivation.

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