Six Feet Under Quotes

Six Feet Under Quotes – The Most Profound Life Lessons

The world of Six Feet Under Quotes! Here, you will find an amazing collection of quotes from the beloved HBO drama series Six Feet Under. From the Fisher family to the members of the Fisher & Sons Funeral Home, these characters have delivered some of the wittiest, most poignant and memorable lines in television history. So join us as we explore the extraordinary lives of the Fishers and the people that surround them.

Six Feet Under quotes from Nate Fisher

💠 “Love isn’t something you feel, it’s something you do. If the person you’re with doesn’t want it, do yourself a favor and save it for someone who does.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “I hit a new low. I made the bereaved vomit.” — Nate Fisher

“If there’s a moment when I feel like I’m in prison, I just have to think about all those moments when it feels safe, and remind myself that those moments outweigh the prison moments.” — Nate Fisher

Six Feet Under quotes from Nate Fisher

💠 “It’s hard sometimes, relationships aren’t easy. You just have to work at it every day. Can’t expect everything to be perfect all the time, and can’t get shaken when it isn’t.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “I just feel like all I do, all day long, is just manage myself, try to fuckin’ connect with people. But it’s like, no matter how much energy you pour into getting to the station on time, or getting on the right train, there’s still no fuckin’ guarantee that anybody’s gonna be there for you to pick you up when you get there.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “Everybody forgives everybody for everything.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “Stop listening to the static.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “You can pump him full of chemicals. You can put makeup on him. You can prop him up for a nap in the slumber room; but the fact remains, David, that the only father we’re ever gonna have is gone!” — Nate Fisher

💠 “I’m just saying you only get one life. There’s no God, no rules, no judgments, except for those you accept or create for yourself. And once it’s over, it’s over. Dreamless sleep forever and ever. So why not be happy while you’re here. Really? Why not?” — Nate Fisher

💠 “None of us know how long we’ve got, which is why we have to make each day matter.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “All that lives, lives forever. Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end. Eternal. Deathless.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “You can’t take a picture of this. It’s already gone.” — Nate Fisher

💠 “The only god I know is a mean-spirited comedian in ugly pants whose every joke has the same damn punchline.” — Nate Fisher

Six Feet Under quotes from Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I say, if life offers you a new beginning, take it.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “What is this, some Quaker thing? You fuck someone’s husband to death, then you bring them a quiche?” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I’m sick of being so fucking conscious all the time. It’s like I’m this incredibly boring, watered-down of myself.” — Brenda Chenowith

“Academia is one huge circle jerk. All the sequestered people desperately defending the one good idea they have had in their lives.” — Brenda Chenowith

Six Feet Under quotes from Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I think it’s all about timing. I think timing is everything.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I wouldn’t change anything. If you change one thing, that changes everything. And some things are the way they should be.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “No mistake, you guys are undertakers. You take every fucking feeling you have, put it in a box and bury it.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I really don’t feel like making dinner for a woman who hates me.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “All we have is this moment, right here, right now. The future is just a fucking concept that we use to avoid being alive today. So be here… now.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “Well, we’re all wounded. We carry our wounds around with us through life, and eventually they kill us. Things happen that leave a mark in space, in time. In us.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “You know what I find interesting? If you lose a spouse, you’re called a widow or a widower. If you’re a child and you lose your parents, then you’re an orphan. But what’s the word to describe a parent who loses a child? I guess that’s just too fucking awful to even have a name.” — Brenda Chenowith

💠 “I can’t believe how much money I’ve spent fucking up my life.” — Brenda Chenowith


The Six Feet Under quotes are a great reminder of the beauty of life, death, and all of the moments in between. They can help us to remember the preciousness of life and the importance of living it to the fullest. No matter what we face, the quotes provide a source of comfort and hope. They can encourage us to move forward with courage and to make the most of each day.

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