Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes – Inspiring Wisdom

Our collection of Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes! Minister Farrakhan is a leader and outspoken advocate of the Nation of Islam, a religious and political organization dedicated to uplifting African Americans and other people of color. His life and work have been dedicated to advancing the cause of social justice and racial equality. In his decades of activism and public speaking, Minister Farrakhan has provided countless memorable quotes and insights that have been shared and debated around the world. Here we have gathered some of his most impactful words, both in written form and spoken word. Enjoy!

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes on forgiveness

#️⃣ “So somebody does some evil to you, it ain’t what goes in, but how you respond. And it is not what they do that defiles you, it is how you respond to what is done to you that defiles you.”

#️⃣ “You cannot make a person open up to you and accept your forgiveness. When you have wronged somebody, and you know you have wronged them, your duty is to repent and ask for forgiveness.”

#️⃣ “When God forgives, it allows him to come to our rescue.”

#️⃣ “In life there are circumstances, and by His active will or His permissive will, God allows things to happen in our lives to bring out of us what is within.”

#️⃣ “When you understand who you are, then all you need is the right mind in you. You were made by God in his image after his likeness, so all of you are God’s children, children of the most high god. made in God’s image. The problem with the gods is that you are not thinking like a god, you are thinking like the world.”

#️⃣ “The things that people do to us that are evil, they stick, the good things that people do to us we can hardly remember. That’s a sign that good is your natural state and evil is an apparition.

#️⃣ “Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Will you this morning forgive? Somebody in here that has done you wrong and they are sitting nearby, maybe its mother at home, maybe its father, maybe it’s someone you haven’t spoken to. Release it. Get it out of your way. Because it is not what went in that defiles you, it’s how you and I respond.

#️⃣ “The evil that people do to us that we do not handle well, sets up blockages. Like how the blood has to circulate through the body to give it life, but when there are blockages in the veins and the blood can’t get through, then the blockages have to be removed or they bring about the death of the organism. When people do you wrong, and you set up in your minds: dislike, hatred, this is disease and it presents an impediment to our journey to God.”

“Forgiveness allows for God to come to us, even though we are stained by sin, forgiveness allows us to approach one another.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes on forgiveness

#️⃣ “There is a principle that permits God to come to us, without this principle, this act or action of God, without this principle, he cannot come to us, he cannot save us from ourselves. What is that principle? That principle is forgiveness.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes about growing in religion

#️⃣“True religion comes from within.”

#️⃣ “Many of us are separated, one from another because of some trespass that they did to us or we did to them. And we are holding on to that.”

#️⃣ “When you grow starting with law, starting with imposing limits on yourself, you grow into that out of which the law came. You grow into love”

#️⃣ Jesus said, “It’s not what goes in that defiles a man, it is what comes out.”

#️⃣ “Forgive, and be forgiven, and let’s get on with the business of turning nothing into something.”

#️⃣ “None of us have pity on the other, our community is wrapped with senseless violence, and we have become the number one beaters, haters, shooters, haters, killers, and destroyers of ourselves.”

#️⃣ “When we break faith with God and commit that which is against God’s will and God’s law, this is that which separates us from God and gradually disconnects us from God.”

#️⃣ “We responded to our enslavement with bitterness, but since it is the will of God, let’s remove the bitterness and say ‘God you knew what you were doing, you fitted us out now for your glory’ no longer not pitied, no longer not loved, now we are the people of God.”

#️⃣ “Our sins have caused us to be scattered within, and now separated one from another where hatred abides where there should be love.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes for life

#️⃣ “But if I thought on it, I would like to be remembered as a brother who loved his people and did everything that I knew to fight for them, the liberation of our people.”

#️⃣ “Unfaithfulness is what breaks our bond.”

#️⃣ “United we can solve our problems, divided we have nothing.”

#️⃣ “History is our guide, and without a knowledge of history, we are lost!”

#️⃣ “Never exalt people because they’re in your family; never exalt people because they’re your color; never exalt people because they’re your kinfolk. Exalt them because they’re worthy.”

#️⃣ “A wise man who has the moment in his hand should not let that moment slip.”

#️⃣ “They should regard me as what I am. I am a spiritual leader and teacher.”

#️⃣ “Sin reduced you to nothing, but God said ‘I am going to take nothing and use it for my glory.’”

#️⃣ “Did you see the Pope went to South America? I thought about him in Ecuador, Honduras and Bolivia. Three countries in South America. And the Pope, he asked them to forgive the church. Did you hear that brothers and sisters? He didn’t say forgive Jesus. The church that was killing indigenous people wasn’t connected to Jesus. They were connected to a cross.”

“I don’t think about my legacy if indeed, I have one.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes for life

#️⃣ “Sin separates us from God and from ourselves. Even when you have been reduced to nothing by sin, God makes himself available. He allows you and me to recognize the void in our lives.”

Tips for life from Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes

#️⃣ “We are all gifted, but we have to discover the gift, uncover the gift, nurture and develop the gift and use it for the Glory of God and for the liberation struggle of our people.”

#️⃣ “Overall, the challenge of leadership is both moral and one of developing the characteristics that make us respected by one another.”

#️⃣ “We honor women, for as a woman is our teacher in the first instance, why can’t she be our teacher in our last instance and lead us to God?”

#️⃣ “Our lips are full of praise, but our hearts are far removed from the prophets we all claim. That’s why the world is in the shape that it’s in.”

#️⃣ “There really can be no peace without justice. There can be no justice without truth. And there can be no truth unless someone rises up to tell you the truth.”

#️⃣ “Divine and human nature is built by God on principles. A principle is a rule of action. God has built you and me on certain principles that form the basis of human nature and divine nature. And these same principles form what we call religion. All revealed scripture is built on the nature of God and the human being.”

#️⃣ “And I hope that five years and 10 years from now, I’ll be a better man, a more mature man, a wiser man, a more humble man, and a more spirited man to serve the good of my people and the good of humanity.”

#️⃣ “Who is it that says a woman should be quiet? Who is it that says that her voice should not be heard in the house of God? When the very universe out of which he created all things, was a dark womb before he put his hands upon it.”

#️⃣ “Work hard to discover your gift and you will never envy or hate another human being who is manifesting theirs.”

#️⃣ “Prayer, the giving of charity, the giving of ourselves, and the eternal struggle of good against evil, right against wrong, light against darkness, all is in the nature in which we are created. So religion comes from within. And whenever we do not practice the principles like we should, we lapse into spiritual death.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes to inspire change

#️⃣ “Because as a youngster I longed to see the Black man free and I longed to see anyone stand up for us.”

#️⃣ “Our communities don’t have peace because they are not safe; they are not secure.”

#️⃣ “I am hoping that in this year of the family we will go into our families and reconcile differences.”

#️⃣ “He who gives you the diameter of your knowledge prescribes the circumference of your activities.”

#️⃣ “You must recognize that the way to get the good out of your brother and your sister is not to return evil for evil.”

#️⃣ “If we can put the names of our faiths aside for the moment and look at principles, we will find a common thread running through all the great religious expressions.”

#️⃣ “Black leadership has to recognize that principles more than speech, character more than a claim, is greater in advancing the cause of our liberation than what has transpired thus far.”

#️⃣ “Harlotry and adultery were punishable by death because adultery produces death, it produces the death of a relationship but it also produces the death of the self.”

#️⃣ “Without an advocate for the poor, without a new state of mind in America, the country lies on the brink of anarchy.”

#️⃣ “Naturally, when one makes progressive steps, there may be some who see it as a betrayal of their goals and interests.”

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes about God

#️⃣ “If you think I’m crazy, keep going the way you’re going and watch what God does.” ― Louis Farrakhan

“Let us pray that Allah will guide us safely through such a time as this.” ― Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan quotes about God

#️⃣ “Our success depends on us, our unity, and our willingness to submit to the will of Allah (God).” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “I think that rather than condemning Islam, Islam needs to be studied by those who are sincere.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “In closing, the greatest threat to peace on this earth is the arrogance of a super-power [America] that is out of control.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “When your mind is focused and made up you don’t make excuses. You try. If you fail you try again.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “The suffering of our people is greater than our differences. We are not yet free at last, so there is work to be done.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “When we live our lives not for vanity, but for the sake of God and the betterment of humanity, that’s what gives us immortality.” ― Louis Farrakhan

#️⃣ “If we can reform the man and make him a better man and a God-fearing man, then we have a chance, we believe, to build a better world.” ― Louis Farrakhan


Louis Farrakhan is an inspirational leader who has inspired many with his thought-provoking quotes. His words of wisdom and advice can help guide us in our daily lives and remind us to strive for justice and equality in our society. Farrakhan is a powerful leader and his words are a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right and taking action to create meaningful change.

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