Libertarian Quotes

Libertarian Quotes – Top Inspiring Quotes For A Free Society

Welcome to libertarian quotes! Here you will find a selection of quotes from some of the most influential and renowned libertarian thinkers throughout history. These quotes represent a wide range of ideas and beliefs, from the philosophical to the economic, and cover the full gamut of libertarian thought. Whether you are looking for inspiration, a bite-sized dose of wisdom, or an explanation of why you should embrace libertarianism, these quotes will provide you with plenty of food for thought.

Best Libertarian Quotes On Taxes And Economics

🌐 “A libertarian presidential candidate isn’t going to win anyway, so he can afford to say that all taxation is theft, and it isn’t the job of a libertarian presidential candidate to cook up new ways to commit theft.” ― L. Neil Smith

🌐 “Economics is sometimes associated with the study and defense of selfishness and material inequality, but it has an egalitarian and civil libertarian core that should be celebrated.” ― Tyler Cowen

🌐 “I took the obligatory economics classes in school, but I’ve long been a fan of the Milton Friedman philosophy and its libertarian bent: One must be free to do what one wants to do, as long as you don’t harm another. This is the seminal treatise on free-market economics.” ― Charlie Trotter

🌐 “But let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then, tell me how much of what I earn belongs to you – and why?” ― Walter E. Williams

 “Countries adopting free-market capitalism have increased output 70-fold, halved work days and doubled lifespans.” ― Stefan Molyneux

Best Libertarian Quotes On Taxes And Economics

🌐 “My parents both defected from communist Hungary and were what most people would today call libertarian. I grew up with a general distaste for taxation and any policy that intruded on our lives.” ― David Harsanyi

🌐 “It has been said that I am not a ‘real’ Libertarian. A certain faction of the Party has come to believe that the writings of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman are the holy texts of Libertarianism, and I disagree. I believe that the Libertarian movement is and should be more encompassing than the narrow-minded advocacy of economic anarchy.” ― Augustus Sol Invictus

🌐 “The Libertarian position on immigration is to have, not open borders with no restrictions, but to have controlled borders that allow hard-working people to come into America to help raise their standard of living and improve the American economy.” ― Michael Badnarik

🌐 “I believe in taxation and health care that is outside the usual libertarian mandate because I don’t want people to have to suffer. It’s as simple as that.” ― Neil Peart

Libertarian Quotes From Or About The Founding Fathers And Comparing It To Socialism

🌐 “The Jacksonians were libertarians, plain and simple. Their program and ideology were libertarian; they strongly favored free enterprise and free markets, but they just as strongly opposed special subsidies and monopoly privileges conveyed by government to business or to any other group.” ― Murray Rothbard

🌐 “What a man has honestly acquired is absolutely his own, which he may freely give, but cannot be taken from him without his consent.” ― Samuel Adams

🌐 “Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” ― Benjamin Franklin

🌐 “I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” ― Patrick Henry

🌐 “The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.” ― Thomas Jefferson

🌐 “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ― George Washington

🌐 “Libertarian socialism is properly to be regarded as the inheritor of the liberal ideals of the Enlightenment.” ― Noam Chomsky

🌐 “Libertarians are essentially what the Republicans were 30 years ago. Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan. They’d all fit more under the Libertarian label than the modern-day Republican label.” ― Drew Carey

🌐 “Everyone’s goals are the same with very small differences. I mean, the goal of a socialist and the goal of a libertarian are exactly the same. The goals are happiness and security and freedom, and you balance those.” ― Penn Jillette

🌐 “Lots of us have been plugging away, building a platform to talk about libertarian communism and post-scarcity economics.” ― Ash Sarkar

🌐 “Every single figure on Mount Rushmore was a third party at one time or another, so third parties become major parties, and I think that the Libertarian Party may become my major party.” ― Gary Johnson

Funny And Informative Libertarian Quotes For That Perfect T-shirt

🌐 “Libertarian principles are very simple, but you can’t violate any of them and still call yourself Libertarian.” ― John McAfee

🌐 “Libertarians are constantly arguing with each other who is the most pure libertarian and who is most ideologically pure.” ― John Mackey

 “That government is best which governs least.” ― Henry David Thoreau

Funny And Informative Libertarian Quotes For That Perfect T-shirt

🌐 “A Libertarian is someone who says you can be as liberal or conservative as you want to be, just don’t force others to be like you.” ― Larry Sharpe

🌐 “I’m a libertarian. It’s a terrible word.” ― John Stossel

🌐 “I love my country, not my government.” ― Jesse Ventura

🌐 “I’m willing to zap conservatives when they do things that are not libertarian.” ― William Safire

🌐 “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged, and a libertarian is a conservative who’s been indicted.” ― Jack Abramoff

25. “I wish the Libertarian Party would get more play in the media but they don’t.” ― Glenn Danzig

Libertarian Quotes From Politicians, Political Commentators, And Philosophers

🌐 “Libertarianism is “cultish,” say the sophisticates. Of course, there’s nothing cultish at all about allegiance to the state, with its flags, its songs, its mass murders, its little children saluting and paying homage to pictures of their dear leaders on the wall, etc.” ― Thomas E. Woods Jr.

🌐 “Libertarians recognize the inevitable pluralism of the modern world and for that reason assert that individual liberty is at least part of the common good.” ― Tom G. Palmer

🌐 “For libertarians, freedom entails the right of people to live their lives any way they choose, so long as their conduct is peaceful. For conservatives, freedom entails the right of government to do just about anything it wants, even if its conduct is violent.” ― Jacob Hornberger

🌐 “Maybe it’s my libertarian philosophy but being in government is hard.” ― John Bolton

🌐 “In my view, as a country, we need to rediscover some of that skepticism about government and revisit that libertarian agenda.” ― Charles Kennedy

🌐 “There’s no way that a third party wins without being in the presidential debates. I think the vast majority of Americans are Libertarian; they just don’t know it.” ― Gary Johnson

🌐 “No good libertarian I know wants us to completely isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. It’s not even possible. I mean there are economic ties – there are trade routes that need to be secured. You know international trade can’t happen if you don’t have open oceans.” ― Dan Bongino

🌐 “A Libertarian society of unfettered individualism spreads its benefits to virtually everyone – not just those who have the resources to seize political power.” ― Harry Browne

🌐 “That’s the first sign you know you’re a Libertarian. You see the red light. You stop. You realize that there’s not a car in sight. And you put your foot on the gas.” ― Gary Johnson

🌐 “Whether you’re a libertarian liberal or a more egalitarian liberal, the idea is that justice means being non-judgmental with respect to the preferences people bring to public life.” ― Michael Sandel

🌐 “Freedom is living without government coercion. So when a politician talks about freedom for this group or that, ask yourself whether he is advocating more government action or less.” ― Ron Paul

‘I’m A Libertarian’ Quotes From Famous People

🌐 “I stated that I’m a libertarian Republican, which means I believe in a series of issues, such as smaller government, constraint on budget deficits, free markets, globalization, and a whole series of other things, including welfare reform.” ― Alan Greenspan

🌐 “I’m a Libertarian. I’m liberty, justice for all, liberty for all.” ― Big Boi

🌐 “I’m a hardcore libertarian – I want everything legal – but I also believe that you have the right to free association.” ― Penn Jillette

🌐 “I’m not a complete libertarian. There is a proper role in some areas of the government to have rules and regulations – I’m not an anarchist.” ― Jack Abramoff

🌐 “I think I’m turning into a libertarian. I’m not part of the gaggle of Hollywood liberals. I gaggle for no one, and I’m not a liberal. I’m libo-conservo-rado-middle-of-the-roado.” ― Richard Dreyfuss

🌐 “I mean, I’ve always been a libertarian. Leave everybody alone. Let everybody else do what they want. Just stay out of everybody else’s hair.” ― Clint Eastwood

🌐 “I’m an extreme libertarian, but I realize we’re in a democracy, and in a democracy, people can have views of all stripes, and there’s no reason to argue about it.” ― Eugene Fama

🌐 “I am more of a constitutionalist libertarian.” ― Dan Bilzerian

🌐 “Well, I’m a libertarian conservative, so I believe in limited government/maximum individual freedom.” ― John Bolton

🌐 “Now, I call myself a bleeding heart libertarian. Because I do believe in the principles of Libertarianism as an ideal – because I’m an idealist.” ― Neil Peart

More Libertarian Quotes To Ruminate On

🌐 “It’s very attractive to the libertarian viewpoint if we can explain it properly. I’m better with code than with words though.” ― Satoshi Nakamoto

🌐 “Your self is your mind; renounce it and you become a chunk of meat ready for any cannibal to swallow.” ― Ayn Rand

🌐 “The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else.” ― Frederic Bastiat

🌐 “The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.” ― Albert Camus

 “The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.” ― George Orwell

More Libertarian Quotes To Ruminate On

🌐 “People are naturally born as Libertarians till governments and oppressive societies force them to adopt their ideologies and their ways.” ― Hany Ghoraba

🌐 “We cannot have a world where everyone is a victim. “I’m this way because my father made me this way. I’m this way because my husband made me this way.” Yes, we are indeed formed by traumas that happen to us. But then you must take charge, you must take over, you are responsible.” ― Camille Paglia

🌐 “Human beings are born with different capacities. If they are free, they are not equal. And if they are equal, they are not free.” ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

🌐 “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to education, the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville

🌐 “I am truly free only when all human beings, men and women, are equally free. The freedom of other men, far from negating or limiting my freedom, is, on the contrary, its necessary premise and confirmation.” ― Mikhail Bakunin

Libertarian Quotes About Their Character

🌐 “That’s libertarians for you — anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.” ― Kim Stanley Robinson

🌐 “When libertarian sentiments take a populist form, it looks like this: a mix of anger, fear, anti-intellectualism, and fierce government hostility. Welcome to the Tea Party movement.” ― David Niose

🌐 “I certainly have some very strong libertarian leanings, yes.” ― Clarence Thomas

🌐 “I’m a bit of a Libertarian.” ― Vince Flynn

🌐 “Global libertarianism would be a borderless world society.” ― Bryant McGill

🌐 “Because the state necessarily commits aggression, the consistent libertarian, in opposing aggression, is also an anarchist.” ― Stephan Kinsella

🌐 “Libertarians typically argue that particular obligations, at least under normal circumstances, must be created by consent; they cannot be unilaterally imposed by others.” ― Tom G. Palmer

🌐 “A libertarian is someone who graduated from thinking that there are problems with the state to realizing that the state is the problem.” ― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

🌐 “Im a registered independent with a lot of libertarian leanings.” ― Tom Selleck

🌐 “Beloved friends and comrades… the national Libertarian Party is dead.” ― L. Neil Smith


Libertarian quotes is that they provide a valuable platform and resource for those interested in learning more about libertarian philosophy, values, and ideas. They offer a wide range of quotes from many different sources and provide an accessible way for people to engage with the libertarian movement.

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