Kim Kardashian Quotes

Kim Kardashian Quotes – Most Inspiring And Thought-provoking Quotes

Kim kardashian is a media personality, businesswoman, and socialite who has gained immense popularity in the entertainment industry. Throughout her career, kim has achieved remarkable success and has often shared her thoughts on life, success, and relationships. In this collection, we will explore some of the most inspiring quotes by kim kardashian that will motivate and inspire you.

Best Kim Kardashian Quotes About Life

πŸ’™ “You make mistakes, but I don’t have any regrets. I’m the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it. I learn from everything I do.”

Β “You never know what the future holds or where my life will take me.”

Best Kim Kardashian Quotes About Life

πŸ’™ “I couldn’t sacrifice my heart for a publicity stunt.”

πŸ’™ “I feel like I’m at a really happy good space.”

πŸ’™ “I would rather have been beaten up in the media than live a life that wasn’t happy.”

πŸ’™ “Remember, people only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.”

πŸ’™ “I’m just really supportive of everyone”

πŸ’™ “I think as long as you learn from your mistakes and don’t make them over and over again, you’re on the right path.”

πŸ’™ “I just follow my heart and do what I feel is the right thing.”

πŸ’™ “I’ll cry at the end of the day. Not with fresh makeup.”

πŸ’™ “Take a chance and don’t ever look back. Never have regrets, just lessons learned.”

πŸ’™ “If I don’t like something that’s going on in my life, I change it. And I don’t sit and complain about it for a year.”

πŸ’™ “But I think that I learned from my mistakes and I try to do better. I just live my life.”

πŸ’™ “As I always say, everyone comes into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.”

πŸ’™ “There’s a lot of baggage that comes with us, but it’s like Louis Vuitton baggage; you always want it.”

πŸ’™ “It’s so important to have a strong sense of self-worth and confidence, and insist on being treated with respect.”

πŸ’™ “I was raised with a huge Armenian influence, always hearing stories of Armenia, celebrating Armenian holidays.”

πŸ’™ “If no tender words are spoken, no tender hearts can be broken.”

πŸ’™ “My decision to end my marriage was such a risk to lose ratings and lose my fan base. I had to take that risk for my inner peace and to be happy with myself.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Love And Relationships

πŸ’™ “The perfect date for me would be staying at home, making a big picnic in bed, eating Wotsits and cookies while watching cable TV.”

Β “I have always been the one in a relationship. I like that role, I want that best friend partnership.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Love And Relationships

πŸ’™ “It doesn’t matter if you have a valentine or not – just love yourself and be your own.”

πŸ’™ “Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would. But that’s OK.”

πŸ’™ “I’ve always been the type to fall in love fast and, with every boyfriend, I plan out my wedding in my head.”

πŸ’™ “First and foremost, I married for love.”

πŸ’™ “I do believe in love. I will always believe in love, but my idea has changed from what I’ve always thought.”

πŸ’™ “I think you have different soulmates throughout your life, that your soul needs different things at different times.”

πŸ’™ “I love really hard. I fall hard, and I followed my heart. When things don’t work out, that’s sometimes just how life is.”

πŸ’™ “Just because you’re on a journey and you’re on your transformation, doesn’t mean I’m in the same spot with you.”

πŸ’™ “It’s fun to have a partner who understands your life and lets you be you.”

πŸ’™Β “My home and my heart feel really full right now, in the best way.”

πŸ’™ “He’s taught me to have more of an opinion. I’ve taught him to be a bit more calm or cautious.”

πŸ’™ “There comes a point in life where you just grow apart and you realize you’re not as similar as you thought.”

πŸ’™ “As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned so much from relationships. My tolerance level is so different.”

πŸ’™ “…I think I’ll always be a hopeless romantic.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Career, Success, And Fame

πŸ’™ “I’m an entrepreneur. Ambitious is my middle name.”

πŸ’™ “Being on a reality show doesn’t get the respect I feel it should.”

πŸ’™ “You can say a lot of things about me, but you cannot say I don’t work hard.”

πŸ’™ “There’s more pressure to be famous for being yourself than if you’re being a character.”

πŸ’™ “I love having a voice, and I appreciate the platform that I have been given, even though I do wish I could have more privacy at times.”

Β “Even in my darkest of times, I don’t regret putting myself out there for the world to see.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Career, Success, And Fame

πŸ’™ “Money was always the goal, but I was obsessed with fame, like, embarrassingly obsessed.”

πŸ’™Β “I made a business off my family and our TV show.”

πŸ’™ “I’m at this place now where I am not concerned anymore about fame, but if you would have asked me this question 10 years ago, I probably would have said that fame and money were of equal importance.”

πŸ’™ “If you’re not into what I’m posting, don’t look.”

πŸ’™ “I used to enjoy the spotlight. If I had a day off from filming, I didn’t know what to do.”

πŸ’™ “I would absolutely characterize myself as ambitious.”

πŸ’™ “I feel lazy when I’m not working. I learned all my business sense from my dad.”

πŸ’™ “I’m the true definition of a workaholic.”

πŸ’™ “When there’s so many haters and negative things, I really don’t care.”

πŸ’™ “I love when people underestimate me and then become pleasantly surprised.”

πŸ’™ “I think it’s a little pretentious to say, ‘I’m a role model’.”

πŸ’™ “…If you find something you’re really passionate about, figure out a way to make that your job.”

πŸ’™ “I don’t like to throw things in people’s faces. I work hard, and I’m proud of myself.”

πŸ’™ “But I also think I’m more accessible. I really do.”

πŸ’™ “I had never traveled the world like that. It was so neat, all the things we did. I think I learned a lot from her.”

πŸ’™ “There is a misconception that I don’t actually have to study and that I’ve bought my way into getting a law degree β€” that’s absolutely not true.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Family And Friends

πŸ’™ “I love taking photos and videos and having memories. I remember all my childhood videos that my dad used to take. I think that’s really what life is about – especially when you start a family of your own.”

πŸ’™ “I know some people say it’s not the best to work with your family, but I have never understood that because it’s always worked so well for me.”

πŸ’™ “I think that there’s the Kim Kardashian brand and the Kardashian brand. I think they blend together, but I have different qualities or interests that my sisters might not be so into.”

πŸ’™ “We’re supportive of everyone, no matter what they are going through. That’s what family is for.”

πŸ’™ “Holidays are the best. I couldn’t imagine being from a small family.”

πŸ’™ “Now I enjoy my family time so much, there is this sense of, if it all went away, and I was just a mom, I would love my life.”

πŸ’™ “I have sister issues and parent issues and all sorts of things.”

πŸ’™ “I always put clothes and family photos under the mattress, in case the house burns down.”

πŸ’™ “I was okay with school. My sister Kourtney was extremely smart. I always read a little slower.”

πŸ’™ “Who wouldn’t want a baby girl? They’re the best!”

πŸ’™ “The last thing Dad ever said to me was ‘I know you’re going to be okay. I’m not worried about you at all. But take care of your brothers and sisters.'”

πŸ’™ “If we wanted this lifestyle, we had to work extra hard to get it. All of our friends had credit cards and cell phones, but that wasn’t even a possibility.”

πŸ’™ “I put myself on a budget. My parents raised us saying that at 18, we’d be cut off.”

πŸ’™ “Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.”

πŸ’™ “At the end of the day, being happy being who you are is important, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we’re going through.”

πŸ’™ “Sure, my parents were generous. I got a nice car at 16, but at 18 I was cut off.”

πŸ’™ “We have the glitz and the glam, and people want to live vicariously through it.”

πŸ’™ “I know my husband’s proud of me, my family’s proud of me. I hope my daughter’s proud of me.”

Kim Kardashian Quotes About Body Image

πŸ’™ “Why is it when you’re dieting, you crave everything?”

πŸ’™ “I’m totally not against plastic surgery. I’ve tried Botox before. That’s the only thing that I’ve done.”

πŸ’™ “I have cellulite, just like almost every other woman on the planet.”

πŸ’™ “If I like a food, I’ll eat it, even if I know it’s not good for me.”

πŸ’™ “Personally, I’ve always loved the curvy look.”

πŸ’™ “I always say you shouldn’t weigh yourself. I don’t even have a set of scales in my house.”

πŸ’™ “People don’t understand the pressure on me to look perfect.”

πŸ’™ “To look and feel my best, I watch my calories and exercise.”

πŸ’™ “I am pretty honest about a lot of things that young girls question, like their body image.”

πŸ’™ “I might have a little bit of cellulite. I might not be toned everywhere. I might struggle in this area or that. But accepting that just empowers me.”

πŸ’™ “I worked out once. I gained, like, 10 pounds.”

πŸ’™ “When I gain a pound, it’s in the headlines.”

πŸ’™ “My reality is never going to be stick-skinny.”

πŸ’™ “If I don’t feel confident about my body, I’m not going to sit at home and feel sorry for myself and not do something about it. It’s all about taking action and not being lazy.”

πŸ’™ “All my friends had done it, and I was curious. But I saw such a change in what my face looked like. It didn’t work for me.”

πŸ’™ “They say I look like a different ethnicity, and nobody’s been recognizing me.”

πŸ’™ “Botox, to me, is not surgery.”

πŸ’™ “For me, skinny is just a style of jeans – not a goal.”

Kim Kardashian Famous Quotes

πŸ’™ “The city asked us not to tweet when we were there because the population growing around our store was becoming a fire hazard.”

πŸ’™ “Personally, though, I’m the first to say I have to work out extra hard, and it’s such a struggle for me to eat healthy.”

πŸ’™ “Hmm, I like Bentleys, flat-screen TVs, diamonds…”

πŸ’™ “Once I tweeted, ‘Oh my God, I just tried a Golden Oreo. I’ve never in my life had something so amazing.’ Then Oreo sent me crates of them. To my door.”

Β “But then I think the glam can be my fashion. It’s my own accessory.”

Kim Kardashian Famous Quotes


πŸ’™ “I’m getting more comfortable not having a face full of makeup.”

πŸ’™ “I love to eatβ€”Kit Kats or cookies-and-cream ice cream. I need sugar like five times a day.”

πŸ’™ “I read that I was obsessed with killing raccoons.”

πŸ’™ “Bruce: If you’re not sweating, you’re not working.”

πŸ’™ “Everything is better with a K. Klassy with a Kβ€”har, har, har. But life is funner with a K.”

πŸ’™ “I can carry a tune, yeah. I have a cute little voice.”

πŸ’™ “Someone saw me last night and my nose was so contoured. And they were like, ‘You’ve had your nose done?’ And I was like, ‘No, wait until I wash my face.'”

πŸ’™ “Some people say, ‘You’ve definitely had your nose done.’ If I had, I would say, ‘Here’s the doctor, he’s amazing, and I’ll make the appointment for you.'”

πŸ’™ “White is actually one of my favourite colours. I have a white car. I love white.”

πŸ’™ “I think there is always two sides to every story, and I want to be supportive of both.”

πŸ’™ “Jewelry saleswoman: 42 carats. $1.2 million. Kim Kardashian: That’s not so bad.”

πŸ’™ “Honey, would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley?”

πŸ’™ “Thank you for your lovely advice, but I’m not going to take it.”

πŸ’™ “There’s nothing I love more than getting to stay home all day and not get ready for anything, which is about half the week.”

πŸ’™ “I had dinner with Obama once, and he just seemed very firm about the change, and that’s, like, his motto.”

πŸ’™ “If you know how I feel, why would you say that. Like you put me in such an uncomfortable situation”

πŸ’™ “In recent years I’m, like, too cool for duck face. So that doesn’t happen.”

πŸ’™ “People who post lots of quotes have major issues. I can’t take all the quotes in my feed. Twitter is OK, but Instagram is for pics!”

πŸ’™ “I hate when women wear the wrong foundation color. It might be the worst thing on the planet when they wear their makeup too light.”

πŸ’™ “Stretchmarks are my biggest fear of life.”

πŸ’™ “I rented my mom a monkey for the week because she had a syndrome where she missed children in the house.”


Kim kardashian quotes is that they are often inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking. They have the potential to challenge the way people think and encourage them to pursue their goals and dreams.

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