Jon Gordon Quotes

Jon Gordon Quotes – The Power Of Positive Thinking

Jon gordon is a highly acclaimed author, speaker, and consultant in the fields of leadership, culture, and teamwork. His work has been embraced by fortune 500 companies, professional and college sports teams, school districts, hospitals, and non-profits. His quotes have inspired and motivated hundreds of thousands of people around the world. From his inspirational books to his thought-provoking keynote speeches, jon gordon provides powerful messages that will help you reach your highest potential. This collection of jon gordon quotes will provide you with the motivation and guidance you need to become a successful leader.

Jon Gordon Quotes About Teamwork

☑ “It’s all about teamwork. Sometimes you are the star and sometimes you help the star.” — Jon Gordon

 “If you want to be truly great you have to work as hard to be a great teammate as you do to be a great player.” — Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon Quotes About Teamwork

☑ “Teams rise and fall on culture, leadership, relationships, attitude and effort.” — Jon Gordon
☑ “Team beats talent when talent isn’t a team.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “We > me.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Your team doesn’t care if you are a superstar. They care if you are a super team member.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Communication builds trust. Trust generates commitment. Commitment fosters teamwork. Teamwork delivers results.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Great team members hold each other accountable to the high standards and excellence their culture expects and demands.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Great teams care more. They care more about their effort, their work, and their team members.” — Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon Quotes About Leadership

☑ “People follow the leader first and the leader’s vision second.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Transformational coaches invest in the root and, over time, it produces a lot of fruit.” — Jon Gordon

 “Trust is the force that connects people to the leader and his/her vision.” — Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon Quotes About Leadership

☑ “Leaders inspire and teach their people to focus on solutions, not complaints.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “A leader brings out the best within others by sharing the best within themselves.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “As a leader, it is so important that your words equal your actions.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Great leaders know that success is a process, not a destination.” — Jon Gordon

Jon Gordon Quotes About Overcoming Challenges

☑ “A true leader doesn’t lead to gain power. They lead to empower and give power away.”

☑ “One negative person can create a miserable office environment for everyone else.”

☑ “Optimism is a competitive advantage.”

☑ “The only person who can limit your possibilities is you.”

☑ “Being positive won’t guarantee you’ll succeed. But being negative will guarantee you won’t.”

☑ “Every morning you have a choice. Are you going to be a positive thinker or a negative thinker? Positive thinking will energize you.”

☑ “Great leaders don’t succeed because they are great. They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others.”

☑ “Love the process and you’ll love what the process produces.”

☑ “Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do.”

☑ “You are not a true success unless you are helping others be successful.”

☑ “Challenges ONLY make you STRONGER!!!”

☑ “Purpose is the ultimate fuel for our journey through life. When we drive with purpose we don’t get tired or bored and our engines don’t burn out.”

 “You need to work as hard to be a great teammate as you do to be a great player.”

Jon Gordon Quotes About Overcoming Challenges

☑ “Don’t chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you.”

☑ “The more energy you spend worrying about the people who didn’t get on your bus, the less you will have for the people who are on your bus. And if you are worrying about the people who didn’t get on your bus you won’t have the energy to keep on asking new people to get on.”

☑ “Culture drives expectations and beliefs. Expectations and beliefs drive behaviors. Behaviors drive habits and habits create the future.”

☑ “You haven’t failed until you stop trying.”

☑ “The best legacy you could leave is not some building that is names after you or a piece of jewelry but rather a world that has been impacted and touched by your presence, your joy, and your positive actions.”

☑ “Life and success are about what you choose to believe.”

☑ “Remember, you have only one ride through life so give it all you got and enjoy the ride.”

☑ “No challenge can stop you if you have the courage to keep moving forward in the face of your greatest fears and biggest challenges. Be courageous.”

☑ “When you fuel up with purpose you find the excitement in the mundane, the passion in the everyday, the extraordinary in the ordinary.”

☑ “The goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination as late as possible, with a smile on your face.”

☑ “Positive energy is like muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets the more powerful you become. Repetition is the key and the more you focus on positive energy the more it becomes your natural state.”

☑ “Don’t focus on the numbers. Trust the process. When you keep doing things the right way, eventually the numbers will rise, the wins will come, and the outcome will happen.”

☑ “Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word entheos, which means, “inspired” or “filled with the divine.”

☑ “Your optimism today will determine your level of success tomorrow.”

☑ “If you are complaining you can’t be thinking about or creating what you do want.”

☑ “It’s not easy to deal with the negativity in the world but it’s something that’s got to be done. Your success and life are so important that you must surround yourself with a positive support team.”

☑ “If you think your best days are behind you, they are. If you think your best days are ahead of you, they are.”

☑ “Only through service and sacrifice can you become great.”

☑ “So often the difference between success and failure is belief. Belief leads to action and execution.”

☑ “Thoughts are magnetic. What we think about we attract.”

☑ “Instead of being disappointed about where you are, be optimistic about where you are going.”

☑ “My life is a gift not an obligation and I Get To make the most of it.”

☑“Lou Holtz said, ‘Don’t complain. Eighty percent of the people you complain to don’t care and 20 percent are glad you have problems.”

☑ “Anyone who attempts to build great things will face challenges.”

☑ “Negative thoughts are the nails that build a prison of failure.”

☑ “The secret to life and the greatest success strategy of all is to love all of it and fear none of it.”

☑ “The key to success is to be a lifelong learner who continuously works hard to improve.”

☑ “Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus.”

☑ “Dust on gold doesn’t change the nature of gold.”

☑ “The character you possess during the drought is what your team will remember during the harvest.”

☑ “Love is the answer for the team’s success.”

☑ “After all, every team in the league has the same goals so it’s not your goals that will lead to your success but your commitment to the process, one game at a time, that will define your season.”

☑ “You fuel your life with trust and love instead of fear and doubt.”

☑ “Failure provides you with a great opportunity to decide how much you really want something. Will you give up? Or will you dig deeper, commit more, work harder, learn, and get better? If you know that this is what you truly want, you will be willing to pay the price that success requires. You will be willing to fail again and again in order to succeed.”

☑ “No challenge can stop you if you have the courage to keep moving forward in the face of your greatest fears and biggest challenges. Be courageous.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Remember, life gives us warnings for a reason. Learn from this. Do things differently.” — Jon Gordon

☑ “Successful people do ordinary things with extraordinary consistency, commitment and focus.”

☑ “The goal is not to be better than anyone else but rather be better than you were yesterday.”

☑ “Positivity is like a boomerang. The more we put it out there, the more it comes back to us.”


Jon gordon quotes is that they are inspirational and uplifting, offering a positive message to help people through difficult situations. They provide creative and thought-provoking ideas that can be applied to everyday life.

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