Inky Johnson Quotes

Inky Johnson Quotes – Inspiring Life Lessons

Welcome to the official source of Inky Johnson Quotes. Inky Johnson is a beloved motivational speaker and inspirational author whose uplifting words of wisdom have inspired millions of people around the world. His words have the power to lift your spirits and give you the motivation you need to reach your goals. Here you will find some of his most inspiring words of encouragement and advice.

Inky Johnson quotes filled with life advice

🟣“Give everything to everything.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“If you can’t handle someone at their worst, then you don’t deserve them when they are at their best.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“It’s not just a game.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Play the hand you’re dealt like it’s the one you’ve always wanted.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Show up. Don’t quit. Live it. Don’t quit. Appreciate it. Don’t quit.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“The process is more important than the product.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Try to be better than the person you were yesterday.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“You can’t change what’s going on around you until you change what’s going on within you!” — Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson quotes about work and Success

“Courage is the commitment to being without any guarantee of success.” — Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson quotes about work and Success

🟣“I firmly believe you’re never supposed to wish for more than you’re willing to work for. Expectations should never exceed your effort.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“It’s not where you’re trying to go in life that is the problem. It’s what you are willing to leave behind in order to get there.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Perspective drives performance every day of the week.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Then I dare you to do it again tomorrow and the day after that until it becomes part of you.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Will you stay true to what you said you were going to do?” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Your expectations should never be higher than your work ethic.” — Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson quotes about pain and adversity

🟣“I dare you to watch this and not be changed.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Never let a situation or circumstance define your life, no matter what it may be.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“People get upset not because of the adversity they face but because their adversity reveals who they really are.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Press through the struggles and appreciate what they, too, have to contribute to who you become.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Redirection, pain, setbacks, shortcoming, highs, lows. They are all part of the process of success. Embrace it, respect it, and trust it.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“The ability to learn is a gift, even when pain is our teacher.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“There was a better life out there if I made the right decisions and right choices.” — Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson quotes that ignite your sense of purpose

🟣“Become a champion for life. Become a Vol for Life. Be like Inky.” — Inky Johnson

“Life is a gift. Have fun and crush it this week!” — Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson quotes that ignite your sense of purpose

🟣“See something. Believe in it and go get it.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“Someday, you will look back and understand why it all happened the way it did.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“The longer it takes to happen, the more you’ll appreciate it when it finally does.” — Inky Johnson

🟣“The most important project you can work on is molding yourself into the person you want to become.” — Inky Johnson

Famous Inky Johnson Quotes

🟣“Be careful not to try and fast forward yourself into a future you haven’t earned.”

🟣“Character is not something we inherit. Character is something we have to wake up and build.”

🟣“Character supersedes talent. Don’t allow your talent to take you where your character can’t sustain you.”

🟣“Different experiences—they shape and form our perspective.”

🟣“Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.”

🟣“How you view what you do will always affect how you do what you do.”

🟣“If you can’t handle someone at their worst then you don’t deserve them when they are at their best.”

🟣“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”

🟣“People get upset not because of the adversity they face, but because their adversity reveals who they really are.”

🟣“The process is more important than the product.”

Inky Johnson quotes to motivate you during your struggles

🟣“Allow the opposition to make you better. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Be stronger than your strongest excuse! – Inky Johnson

🟣“Character is not something we inherit. Character is something we have to wake up and build. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Control what you can control today! – Inky Johnson

🟣“Courage is the commitment to being without any guarantee of success. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Don’t be upset by the results you didn’t get with the work you didn’t do. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Give everything to everything. – Inky Johnson

🟣“I firmly believe you’re never supposed to wish for more than you’re willing to work for. Expectations should never exceed your effort. – Inky Johnson

🟣“If you can’t handle someone at their worst then you don’t deserve them when they are at their best. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Just work! Don’t be driven by the outcome…embrace the process! – Inky Johnson

🟣“More of us would learn from our mistakes if we weren’t so busy denying them. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Most have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Never complain about something you’re not willing to change! – Inky Johnson

🟣“Never let a situation or circumstance define your life, no matter what it may be. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Perspective drives Performance. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Redirection, pain, setbacks, shortcoming, highs, lows. They are all part of the process of success. Embrace it, respect it, and trust it. – Inky Johnson

🟣“See something. Believe in it, and go get it. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Someday you will look back and understand why it all happened the way it did. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Stop worrying how it’s going to happen and start trusting that it will. – Inky Johnson

🟣“The longer it takes to happen, the more you’ll appreciate it when it finally does. – Inky Johnson

🟣“The most important project you can work on is molding yourself into the person you want to become. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Try to be better than the person you were yesterday. – Inky Johnson

🟣“Your expectations should never be higher than your work ethic. – Inky Johnson

Inky Johnson Quotes As A Courtesy To Others

🟣“Courage is the commitment to being without any guarantee of success.”

🟣“Get your ego out of the way… It’s bigger than you!”

🟣“How you view what you do will always affect how you do what you do.”

🟣“I firmly believe you’re never supposed to wish for more than you’re willing to work for. Expectations should never exceed your effort.”

🟣“If you can’t handle someone at their worst then you don’t deserve them when they are at their best.”

“It is life compressed, and it can teach players, coaches, and even fans many of the same life lessons on an accelerated schedule.”

Inky Johnson Quotes As A Courtesy To Others

🟣“Redirection, pain, setbacks, shortcoming, highs, lows. They are all part of the process of success. Embrace it, respect it, and trust it.”

🟣“Someday you will look back and understand why it all happened the way it did.”

🟣“The ability to learn is a gift even pain is our teacher!”

🟣“The most important project you can work on is molding yourself into the person you want to become.”

🟣“Your expectations should never be higher than your work ethic.”

Short Inky Johnson Quotes for Those Who Need Support

🟣“Allow the opposition to make you better.”

🟣“Can we be committed to the process of what we’re doing without being emotionally attached to the results of what we’re doing?”

🟣“Control what you can control today!”

🟣“Every next level of your life will demand a different version of you.”

🟣“Get your ego out of the way. It’s bigger than you!”

🟣“It is life compressed, and it can teach players, coaches, and even fans many of the same life lessons on an accelerated schedule.”

🟣“Most have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win.”

🟣“Never allow life to make you forget why you started!”

🟣“No amount of money ever bought a second of time. Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life!”

🟣“Perspective drives performance.”

🟣“Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.”

🟣“Stop worrying how it’s going to happen and start trusting that it will.”

🟣“The longer it takes to happen, the more you’ll appreciate it when it finally does.”

🟣“The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstance.”

🟣“There was a better life out there if I made the right decisions and right choices.”

🟣“Try to be better than the person you were yesterday.”

🟣“We don’t burn out because of what we do, we burn out because life makes us forget why we do it.”

🟣“When we hold onto our history, we do it at the expense of our destiny. At some point, you just have to let go of what you thought should have happened and live in what’s happening.”

🟣“Why come into an environment and complain about being in the environment and still do the work!”

🟣“Will you stay true to what you said you were going to do?”


Inky Johnson Quotes have been a source of strength, comfort, and motivation for many people around the world. He has inspired us to be strong, brave, and resilient in the face of adversity and to never give up on our dreams. Inky Johnson’s life and words are a reminder to us that anything is possible and that we should always strive to be our best selves.

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