Danny Devito Quotes

Danny Devito Quotes

Hoffa, Danny Devito has been making us laugh and inspiring us for decades. Here you will find some of Danny Devito quotes most memorable quotes, ranging from his wry observations about life to his hilarious one-liners. Enjoy!

Best Danny Devito Quotes And Sayings

πŸ›‘ β€œI don’t look ahead. I’m right here with you. It’s a good way to be.”

Β β€œIt’s fun to be on the edge.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYou could be a boxer or something. I could be your manager.”

πŸ›‘ β€œPeople come into your lives who you have a good time with, and time goes by and you still have a good time with them and you do stupid stuff with them. To me, that’s life.”

πŸ›‘ β€œA tree falls the way it leans. Be careful the way you lean.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWe could be in a turtle’s dream in outer space.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’ll tell you one thing, it’s a cruel, cruel world.”

πŸ›‘ β€œSchool? It’s out of the question. Who would be here to sign for the packages?”

πŸ›‘ β€œI am self-centred. I just adore myself.”

πŸ›‘ β€œMost men somewhere in their psyche are still dragging women around by their hair.”

Hilarious Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œA lot of it revolves around food with me because a lot of my life does in a way.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWell, that’s it. The last check is written. What do we have left out of the $50,000 reward?”

Β β€œI didn’t go to college. I don’t know anybody who did. Bunch of hippies and cesspool salesmen, ha ha ha ha…”

Hilarious Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œYes. You tend the elephants. Make those ears disappear!”

πŸ›‘ β€œThere are only three things with that kind of unconditional acceptance: Dogs, donuts, and money.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’ve been to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It’s a tower, and it’s leaning.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThere are two dilemmas that rattle the human skull: How do you hang on to someone who won’t stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won’t go?”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’ll watch Ricky Gervais in anything he does. The guy’s hilarious.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWhat do you call 500 lawyers lying on the bottom of the ocean? A good start.”

πŸ›‘ β€œIn a manner of speaking, yes. Uh, welcome to Wormwood Motors. Harry Wormwood, owner, founder, whatever.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThe son has always felt like he was a footnote in one of the stories the father tells.”

πŸ›‘ β€œDinner time is family time. What is this trash you’re reading?”

πŸ›‘ β€œWhat car? Sued by who? Who you been talking to?”

Popular Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œSince you’re an educator, I’ll make you a deal.”

πŸ›‘ β€œSo, you pick this stuff here and this stuff there and then you see things in certain ways and you start visualizing and thank God I get the chance to do this.”

β€œI climbed like a billion stairs… it’s not like I can take them two at a time.”

Popular Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œI did not glue my hat to my head! The hat shrunk!”

πŸ›‘ β€œAll the magic and the whimsy and the surreal, but he also has a fantastic story of a father and son that really gets under your skin.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWhat you do with it and things like that, but I basically chose this after I read it because I thought it was different and funny and unique and dark – things that I like to do.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThe reason that I made it was because I thought it was really funny and unique and just a different genre.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWe did ‘Erin Brockovich’, we did ‘Man On The Moon’, we did ‘Living Out Loud’, but now I’m going to keep going.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWherever I am, it’s a really good feeling to have that connection to people.”

πŸ›‘ β€œUh… Webster – calling from California. I happen to have something, uh, some merchandise, that you, uh, that you might want.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYou have until tomorrow night to fix that!”

πŸ›‘ β€œWhen I’m directing or producing, I like to do different kinds of stories.”

Funny Danny Devito Quotes And Sayings

πŸ›‘ β€œI don’t know. I think it’s funny!… It’s so absurd. I’m alone.”

πŸ›‘ β€œJulius, don’t do this to me! I got a car to deliver! The last thing I need is a detour to the slammer!”

πŸ›‘Β β€œA book? What do you want a book for?”

πŸ›‘ β€œOf course I’ve got lawyers. They are like nuclear weapons.”

πŸ›‘ β€œMy life just got flushed down the toilet.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWe set the building on fire, you just happened to catch on fire!”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’m always studying and I’ve been doing it for a long time now.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI was raised on the Marx Brothers and the Three Stooges, which is a little cruel. It’s kind of like, in a way, dark.”

πŸ›‘ β€œChristmas is a good excuse to eat everything.”

πŸ›‘ β€œLife is a game, whoever has the most money at the end wins.”

πŸ›‘ β€œOf course you didn’t do it, you little twit.”

πŸ›‘ β€œBut instead of just one perfect kid, Mom had the two of us.”

πŸ›‘ β€œLook, there’s no way Mr. Beetroot, that I am gonna deliver any damn Cadillac, unless I know for sure that I have… twenty for my cut.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThe moment I sat down I thought I was looking into a mirror.”

Danny Devito Quotes From Movies

πŸ›‘ β€œThere’s nothing you can get from a book that you can’t get from a television faster.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYou’re a Wormwood, you start acting like one! Now sit up and look at the TV.”

πŸ›‘ β€œNever do anything I tell you, without checking with me first.”

πŸ›‘ β€œGetting old is a gift.”

πŸ›‘Β  β€œWelcome to the Medici Family circus where we believe no wild animals shall be held in captivity.”

πŸ›‘Β  β€œIf you’re being smart with me, young lady, you’re going to be punished.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’m right, you’re wrong, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

πŸ›‘Β  β€œYou can change all the laws you want. You can’t stop the game.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThere is no winning! Only degrees of losing!”

πŸ›‘Β  β€œYou’re making people happy. That’s no small thing.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYeah, I got a boy, Mikey, and one mistake, Matilda.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI robbed a thief! How can you not see the humor in that?”

Famous Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œI developed that for a long time. I also developed ‘Sugar Sweet Science’ at New Line and that didn’t happen. That was a boxing movie. And between all that there were a couple of other things.”

πŸ›‘ β€œ$5,000? I’m not paying it! What are they going to do, repossess the kid?”

πŸ›‘ β€œ[It] gives kids a chance to have a great time in the summer, and act like kids.”

πŸ›‘ β€œIn order for the light of gratitude and happiness to shine so brightly, the darkness of how it could be worse must be present.”

πŸ›‘ β€œThe whole point of love is to put someone else’s needs above your own.”
πŸ›‘ β€œThe choices we make, dictate the lives we lead.”

πŸ›‘ β€œWe’re living in a country that discriminates, and has certain racist tendencies.”

πŸ›‘ β€œA word to the wise ain’t necessary – it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’ll tell you one thing. I love Philadelphia.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYou know what a Rainmaker is, kid? The bucks are gonna be falling from the sky.”

πŸ›‘ β€œEven when you read the script of ‘Big Fish’, which is really a terrific script, you don’t really get into the world that he’s creating until you take that step with him, that first step into a world he’s created in his mind.”

πŸ›‘ β€œYou have to give people permission to laugh.”

Memorable Danny Devito Quotes

πŸ›‘ β€œFrom now on, this family does exactly what I say, when exactly, when I say it!”

πŸ›‘Β “Guess which newly-made judge was assigned to Great Benefit’s case?”

πŸ›‘ β€œI’ve always been working on two or three things at a time; whether it was in the early days, or whatever, I was always working on something.”

πŸ›‘ “Yep. Croaked with a heart attack, dropped dead by his swimming pool.”

πŸ›‘ β€œIf it’s true journalism, you shouldn’t be paying for it.”

πŸ›‘ β€œJersey is always with me. I was one of the lucky ones. Asbury Park is just the greatest place in the world to spend your childhood.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI didn’t do it because of the underlying greed that’s prevailing, but it is about greed, doing the right thing at the right time using your clout when you have it and what for and what reason.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI think of all the characters that I’ve ever played, they’re always about five feet tall.”

πŸ›‘ β€œI think ‘Taxi’ is one of the seminal, great shows that was ever made on television.”

πŸ›‘ β€œA bad salesman will automatically drop his price. Bad salesmen make me sick.”
πŸ›‘Β  β€œWhat a waste of time!”

πŸ›‘ β€œEdward’s the kind of actor who is always nosing into it, trying to find it, looking for it, and searching and Robin is, too, but in his own way.”


Danny devito quotes is that they are hilarious and witty. They bring a lot of fun to any situation and can be used to lighten the mood or just to make people laugh.

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