CT Fletcher Quotes

CT Fletcher Quotes – Rules For Success

If you’re looking for some inspirational and motivational words to help get you through your day, look no further than ct fletcher’s quotes. Ct fletcher is a renowned bodybuilder, personal trainer, and motivational speaker. Through his many years of experience in the fitness world, he has created some of the most powerful and inspiring quotes that can help anyone achieve their goals.

Motivational CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “Will is the key to success. Remember who you are and don’t let nobody tell you that you can’t do it.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Live an extraordinary life. Don’t settle for an ordinary life. It’s easy to be ordinary. Anybody can do that.” – CT Fletcher

“Don’t quit because it gets hard! Keep pushing through! It will pay off!” – CT Fletcher

Motivational CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “Find your magnificent obsession, whatever it is, and let nothing or no one tell you that you can’t do it. Tell them to sit back and watch you do it!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “This is your wake up call motherf***er! This is your week to make it happen! Wake up the Hercules in you!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “History never remembers the haters.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Everything is impossible until someone crazy enough comes along and makes it possible.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Pain is necessary, embrace the pain!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “F**k average, beast or bitch, it’s your choice!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “You must become obsessed with obtaining what you are trying to get, you have to be obsessed with it.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Question impossible.” – CT Fletcher

Ct Fletcher Quotes About Fitness

🔎 “If you see somebody with great abs, a great butt or a great whatever – they didn’t do the sh*t in 20 minutes, and if they tell you they did, they are a f**king liar!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Pain is a necessary evil, get used to it motherf****r. Make friends with it and then kick f**king pain’s ass!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “The best judge of what you should or should not do inside the gym is your own f**king body! Learn to listen to it, it will speak to you. Your body will tell if you if a movement or an exercise is working.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “If you wanted to be a mere mortal – you wouldn’t be here doing this shit! You’d be at home, on the couch, looking at T.V. with the rest of those fat motherf*****s!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “This is what you are here to do! You didn’t come here to play. Get your f**king ass in that gym and work the f**k out! PUNK!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “No hesitation. No thought about tomorrow, no thought about the next 10 minutes. The only thing that counts is right here, right now! You ain’t gotta worry about one f***ing thing other than hitting it as hard as you f***ing can!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “F**k being so strict, f**k going by the book, F**K THE BOOK! At the end, the last set of every exercise is always until failure. Until you can’t f***ing do no more!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Overtraining is individualised. What may be overtraining for one man is nothing but a regular workout for another. Overtraining cannot be generalised, it is individualised to you. What you may call overtraining might be my warm up.” – CT Fletcher

“I don’t wanna be one of the masses, that’s why I’m here in the gym.” – CT Fletcher

Ct Fletcher Quotes About Fitness

🔎 “Don’t look for an easy way out. Nobody wants to work hard these days. The 20-minute abs, the 10 minute this, the 10 Minute that. F**k that! Come to the gym, work your ass off. Earn it! – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Get your ass to the gym motherf*****.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “If you can control your mind, you can control Your motherf**in’ muscles. command them motherf***er’s to grow!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everybody on the couch.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “You have no excuses, so no matter what, your nose bleeds, it’s that time of the month, the kids are crying, you don’t feel like it, your back hurts, you got aches and pains. It’s still your motherf***ing set. Let’s get it done!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Champions are made in the gym!” – CT Fletcher

Powerful CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “Everything I went through, every beating I got, every broken bone, every time I was rushed to the emergency room, every single struggle is what made it all worth it.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Never accept the God damn limitations that someone else has placed upon you. Decide for your f**king self what is your limitation. Try it you son of a bitch! Try it for your f**king self! That is the only f**king way to know whether you can or can’t do something!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “My commitment to my obsession is so great that I’m willing to stand by my damn self! I don’t need you to stand with me.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “The stories of extreme will, of people that came through stories of extreme circumstances that they were not supposed to make it through, that’s what we are capable of.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “F**k mediocracy, I don’t wanna be mediocre! F**k being like everybody else, I don’t wanna be like everybody else! F**k being in between. All or nothing baby, there is no in between!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “It’s no problem for me to eat the same thing every f***ing day because I’m not eating ’cause something tastes good, I’m eating for the f***ing results. People will say, ‘I hate diet food because the diet food taste so bad’, motherf***er! You ain’t eating this sh*t for it to taste good! You’re eating because you want the results it’ll give on the way it will make you look.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Unchain your mind. Unchain your mind, from the imprisonment of fear! Unchain your mind! It’s been in-caged with doubt! Unchain your mind, lose yourself! Let yourself free, from the binds of average, from the binds of normal.” – CT Fletcher

 “Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret.” – CT Fletcher

Powerful CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “This is my life. And, I choose to live it the way I want to live it. Nobody is going to tell me how I should live it.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Sometimes if you get a little too high, if you get a little too full of yourself, you must be brought down. You will be taught a lesson.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Anytime that you put your best effort, that you give everything you can possibly give, there is satisfaction there that you did everything you could to become your best.” – CT Fletcher

CT Fletcher Quotes About Success

🔎 “F**k your excuses! F**k ’em to pieces. Every last one of your measly ass f**king excuses! Why do I say f**k your excuses? ‘Cause I hear so many of them, I hear so many complaints, so many whining. You pacified sucking pu****s!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “You won’t find a class on how you can tap into your rage, how to tap into your adrenaline. This you must have! If you wanna be successful at this s**t – you must be able to, at a moments notice, to tap into this s**t!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “What’s the secret?’ Here’s the motherf***ing secret – hard ass work! That’s the f***ing secret!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “If I fail, I’ma fail f***ing trying, I’ma fail giving it my best – I ain’t gonna fail because I look for that s**t and that s**t look too f***ing hard. Motherf**k that! Get your punk ass out there and try that s**t!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “Some go big, I went enormous. Some set goals, I set milestones! Some climb hills, I climbed mountains! Some want growth, I command growth. Some said it was over, I Said f**k you!” – CT Fletcher

“Obsession isn’t always a bad thing. Obsession is a downright requirement to be great.” – CT Fletcher

CT Fletcher Quotes About Success

🔎 “You have to start, with the belief, that you can do something.” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “You may have been born with more genetic prowess than me, but you can’t out-determine me, you can’t out-will me, you can’t out-want me, you can’t outwork me, you can’t out-desire me – I’m the king of that s**t!” – CT Fletcher

Funny CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “I am the one! I am the one that you were foretold about! I am the one you’ve been looking for! Every motherf***ing thing can stop now ’cause I’m motherf***ing here! The motherf***ing show-stopper is here!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “You don’t have one f***ing muscle on your bitch-made body, and you gon’ try and instruct people on what the f**k to do? A deepest sincerest f**k you!” – CT Fletcher

“I’m trying to call on the gods of power. Hercules, Apollo, Atlas, come on motherf**kers! I need your ass! – CT Fletcher

Funny CT Fletcher Quotes

🔎 “Don’t make no difference what it is… I’ma pick the s**t up! How much it is… I’ma pick the s**t up! That’s what I do… I pick s**t up!” – CT Fletcher

🔎 “I can’t stand an indecisive motherf****r. I can’t stand a motherf*****r who doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to stick with something. Be focused! Pick your goal and stick to it you wishy-washy motherf*****r!” – CT Fletcher


These inspiring, motivational quotes from fitness enthusiast ct fletcher are sure to get anyone motivated and inspired to take on the world. They are the perfect way to start any day and get the most out of life.

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