Conan The Barbarian Quotes

Conan The Barbarian Quotes – Epic Quotes From The Iconic Character

Conan the barbarian is an iconic character created by robert e. Howard in the 1930s. He is a fearless adventurer, a hero of strength, and a symbol of courage. Conan the barbarian quotes have been inspiring people for generations, and are still widely quoted today. From his words of wisdom to his famous battle cries, these conan  quotes will remind you of the power of courage and the strength of conviction.

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Motivate You To Be Brave And Strong

💫 “No man shall live in chains.” – Conan

“Two snakes coming together. Facing each other… but they’re one.” – Conan

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Motivate You To Be Brave And Strong

💫 “Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they learn why they fear the night.” – Thulsa Doom

💫 “Steel isn’t strong, boy, flesh is stronger!” – Thulsa Doom

💫 “He is Conan, Cimmerian, he won’t cry, so I cry for him.” – Subotai

💫 “Run from me… and I will tear apart the mountains to find you! I will follow you to Hell!” – Conan

💫 “That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?” – Thulsa Doom

💫 “For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.” – Conan

💫 “All my life I’ve been alone. Many times I’ve faced death with no one to know.” – Valeria

💫 “I live, I love, I slay, and I am content.” – Conan

Powerful Conan The Barbarian Quotes

💫 “To be a Cimmerian warrior, you must have both cunning and balance as well as speed and strength.” – Corin

💫 “You killed my mother! You killed my father, you killed my people! You took my father’s sword…” – Conan

“What gods do you pray to?” ― Conan

Powerful Conan The Barbarian Quotes

💫 “Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this!” – Thulsa Doom

💫 “When a Cimmerian feels thirst, it is a thirst for blood. When he feels cold, it is the cold edge of steel.” – Corin

💫 “I’m a wizard, mind you. This place is kept by powerful gods and spirits of kings. Harm my flesh and you will have to deal with the dead!” – The Wizard

💫 “To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.” – Conan

💫 “To the hellfires with Thulsa Doom. He’s evil; a sorcerer who can summon demons. His followers’ only purpose is to die in his service. Thousands of them.” – Valeria

💫 “What is most important when making a sword, fire, or ice?” – Corin

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Fill You With Strength

💫 “Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one’s mettle as surely as the strongest adversary.” – The Wizard

💫 “Give me food, so I have strength when the wolves come. Let me die, not in hunger, but in combat!” – Subotai

💫 “All the gods, they cannot sever us. If I were dead and you were still fighting for life, I’d come back from the darkness. Back from the pit of hell to fight at your side.” – Valeria

💫 “Let’s take what we have while we live.” – Valeria

“Fire… and ice. That is the mystery of steel.” – Corin

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Fill You With Strength

💫 “I wish to speak to you now. Where is the Eye of the Serpent?” – Thulsa Doom

Conan Quotes To Give You Memories

💫 “No man should live in chains.” — Conan

💫 “I do not want your kingdom.” — Conan

💫 “To Crom… but I seldom pray to him, he doesn’t listen.” — Conan

💫 “Crom laughs at your four winds. He laughs from his mountain.” — Conan

💫 “When a barbarian feels thirst, it is a thirst for blood.” — Conan

💫 “For us, there is no spring. Just blowing wind that smells fresh before an incoming storm.” — Conan

💫 “When asked “What is best in life?” To crush your enemies, see them driven before you. Only to hear lamentations from women!” — Conan

💫 “To Crom… but I’ve rarely prayed to him, he doesn’t listen.” — Conan

💫 “A standard. A symbol. Perhaps on a shield. Two serpents coming together… Facing each other! But they’re one.” — Conan

“Our mighty Crom laughs at your Four Winds, He laughs from his mountain.” — Conan

Conan Quotes To Give You Memories

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Encourage You To Be Stronger In Life


💫 “There is always a way, if the desire be coupled with courage,” answered the Cimmerian” ― Robert E. Howard

💫 “In the old free days all I wanted was a sharp sword and a straight path to my enemies. Now no paths are straight and my sword is useless.” ― Robert E. Howard

💫 “Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” ― Robert E. Howard

💫 “For no one—no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts. This you can trust.” — Conan’s Father

💫 “the mere fact of a black figure racing across the landscape carrying a white captive was bizarre enough,” ― Robert E. Howard

💫 “He was like a tiger among baboons as he leaped, side-stepped and spun, offering an ever-moving target, while his ax wove a shining wheel of death about him.” ― Robert E. Howard

💫 “Barbarism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is the whim of circumstance. And barbarism must ultimately triumph” — Robert E. Howard.

“They’ll pay for it in blood and shattered bones, woman!” — Conan the Barbarian

Conan The Barbarian Quotes To Encourage You To Be Stronger In Life

💫 “A man needs no memory — only a soul — to know that this is not right!” — Conan the Barbarian

💫 “A good sword is like a fine horse. The man who treats it with care… will outlive the fool who doesn’t. remember that, Conn.” — King Conan


Conan the barbarian quotes are a great source of inspiration and motivation. They provide a unique perspective on life, and can be used to help motivate and inspire people to reach for their goals. Whether it is a quote about courage, strength, or wisdom, each of these quotes has something to offer.

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