Cleo Wade Quotes

Cleo Wade Quotes

Cleo wade, an artist, poet, and author whose work centers around creating art that promotes love, healing and understanding. Cleo wade quotes are full of inspiration and wisdom, providing us with the courage to take on life’s challenges and come out stronger.

Cleo Wade Quotes From Heart Talk And Other Works

💙 “Clean out your thoughts — they have the power to cover your entire life in dirt.” — Cleo Wade

 “Be the type of love you deserve, if for no other reason but to show us all how it’s done.” — Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade Quotes From Heart Talk And Other Works

💙 “Morning rituals are so important because we really harness the energy we want for the rest of the day and replenish and feed ourselves.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “When you have moments to yourself, you can say to yourself, ‘I want to work on being more patient. I want to work on being more loving. I want to work on having stronger nonviolent communication with the people who are important to me.’ I think that’s such an amazing time for choosing who you want to be that day.” — Cleo Wade

 “Our thoughts become our energy, our energy become our words, our words become our actions.” — Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade Quotes From Heart Talk And Other Works

💙 “Self-love: it costs nothing and you gain everything.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “One of the most radical things you could ever do is to decide to really and truly get to know yourself. That’s all.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Let go of shame. It will not add a single simple, dollar, or minute to your life.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “We give to those around us best when we do not run on empty.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “When I have really bad anxiety, I have this mantra I say to myself every time: ‘I’m struggling, and this is not you. It is something moving through you.’ I just say it over and over again.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “We can’t help what comes up, but we have so much control over how we direct what comes up. If we direct it in a way so it leaves through the door it came in, then we can return to ourselves.” — Cleo Wade

💙“It’s so important for me to feel calm and steady before I move through [the world].” — Cleo Wade

💙 “I’m the person who needs to make a tea in the morning and just sit with my ideas, skim the news if I want to.” — Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade Quotes About Love

💙 “I love. I’m a lover. (No apologies there).” — Cleo Wade

💙 “You are my fish in the sea.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “You and me. So complete.” — Cleo Wade

 “You make me feel all of my feelings.” — Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade Quotes About Love

💙 “The magic of you overwhelms me. That’s all.” — Cleo Wade

💙“The mind tells you this river has no bottom, the heart tells you we can put a bridge here.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “I am really into your crazy.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “And if you want love… the really good kind… you are going to have to get your hands dirty.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “What could be more than us, you and me, a thing so complete.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Fall in love a little and if you are feeling very brave… fall in love a whole fucking lot.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “You want to fall in love? Lose your fear. You want to stay in love? Lose your ego.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Baby, you are completely insane and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Love: the thing that has no fear or anxiety.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “The perks of being me? Loving you.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “You and me. There is nothing like us, huh.” — Cleo Wade

Inspirational Cleo Wade Quotes

💙 “Heartbreak offers us some of our best life lessons if we are open to learning through the pain.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Home: the place where your exhale feels best.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “The ego says: “I’m still pissed about yesterday”. The spirit says: “New day, new attitude.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Just a friendly reminder — no one has got it all totally figured out.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “And sometimes you have to be the light you want the ones you love to shine in.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “And sometimes you have to be the light you want the ones you love to shin in.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Don’t be the reason someone feels insecure. Be the reason someone feels seen, heard, and supported by the whole universe.” — Cleo Wade

Cleo Wade Quotes About Changing The World

💙 “There’s something you can do every day, whether that just means smiling at your neighbor and really asking them how they’re doing and listening, whether that is the day you wanted to give $20 to this organization or that one or the day you researched and found where you could spend your time, or the day that you apologized to someone and gave them and yourself that healing experience.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “I decided that I would live really deliberately with how I behaved with other people.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Having hope and belief that we can change the world is where everything starts because when you embody that energy, that’s when we start to see real shifts, even if the shifts are just in conversation.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Take a step back and remember that changing the world doesn’t just look one way, and it can vary from day to day.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Just because you know that you can’t do everything doesn’t mean you can’t do something.” — Cleo Wade

More Cleo Wade Quotes And Sayings

💙 “Find your joy and let it run your life.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “And the best news of all is that it is never too late to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Your life experiences are only as valuable as your ability to turn them into life lessons.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Greatness comes from applying your work ethic to not only what you do but also to where you live. Your home. Your family. Your community. Your world.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Don’t let judgment be the thing that keeps you warm at night, compassion will do a much better job at that.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “If you are grateful for where you are, you gotta respect the road that got you there.” — Cleo Wade

💙  “There is not a single conversation that kindness cannot make infinitely better.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “If you want to feel empowered by all of your decisions, you can’t just calculate your risks. You have to fully and totally accept your risks as well.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “May all of your vibes say: I got this.” — Cleo Wade

💙 “Maybe don’t do things the way you have always done them simply because that is the way you have always done them.” — Cleo Wade


Cleo wade quotes is inspiring, and thought-provoking.They are also a great way to brighten someone’s day and can be a source of comfort for those who are struggling.

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