Catastrophe Quotes

Catastrophe Quotes – Wisdom in the Face of Adversity

Welcome to Catastrophe Quotes, a collection of quotes about life’s most difficult moments. Here you will find words of comfort and understanding from some of the world’s greatest minds, all intended to help you navigate the tumultuous waters of life’s catastrophes. Whether you’ve experienced a personal loss, an unexpected tragedy, or just an overwhelming feeling of despair, these words will help you find a way to move forward.

Catastrophe Quotes

⚫“This readiness to assume the guilt for the threats to our environment is deceptively reassuring: We like to be guilty since, if we are guilty, it all depends on us. We pull the strings of the catastrophe, so we can also save ourselves simply by changing our lives. What is really hard for us (at least in the West) to accept is that we are reduced to the role of a passive observer who sits and watches what our fate will be. To avoid this impotence, we engage in frantic, obsessive activities. We recycle old paper, we buy organic food, we install long-lasting light bulbs—whatever—just so we can be sure that we are doing something. We make our individual contribution like the soccer fan who supports his team in front of a TV screen at home, shouting and jumping from his seat, in the belief that this will somehow influence the game’s outcome.”― Slavoj Zizek

⚫“A catastrophe does not require a deep soul to appreciate it, only an efficient relief effort.”― Gregory Wassil Mike and Me

⚫“A hundred times I have thought: New York is a catastrophe, and fifty times: it is a beautiful catastrophe.”― Le Corbusier, When the Cathedrals Were White

⚫“All catastrophes have the same effect: they sharpen our understanding of our interconnectedness and mutual dependency, they clarify our values, they enourage us to rethink our priorities, they expose our prejudices, and they build our resilience.”― Hugh Mackay

⚫“An atmosphere of general catastrophe always alleviates individual catastrophe- that’s probably why suicides are so rare in wartime”― Michel Houellebecq, Serotonin

⚫“But Saffy knew about catastrophe. It was arbitrary. A thing descended from nowhere, pointed a bony finger, and smirked. As if to say: I choose you.”― Danya Kukafka, Notes on an Execution

“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”― H.G. Well

Catastrophe Quotes

⚫“It was like we had known all along that the sky was going to fall and then it fell and we pretended to be surprised.”― Elin Hilderbrand, The Love Season

⚫“It’s a blip, not a catastrophe.”― Donald Trump

⚫“Love is circumstantial; we can love anyone if need be; and losing the one we love is the singular catastrophe. Time does not heal it. Every present moment yearns for even the roughest past.”― Andrew Solomon

⚫“Many of us are contemplatives by catastrophe. We start seeing beyond the veil only when it is rent by some crisis, personal, or societal, or both, that reveals things as they are.”― Aaron Kheriaty,

⚫“No formal antonym for catastrophizing exists, but why did it seem that more people had this trait than not? Isn’t it more evolutionary favorable to catastrophize? Does fortune truly favor the bold?”― Weike Wang, Joan Is Okay

⚫“Psychological trauma is an affliction of the powerless. At the moment of trauma, the victim is rendered helpless by overwhelming force. When the force is that of nature, we speak of disasters. When the force is that of other human beings, we speak of atrocities. Traumatic events overwhelm the ordinary systems of care that give people a sense of control, connection, and meaning.… Traumatic events are extraordinary, not because they occur rarely, but rather because they overwhelm the ordinary human adaptations to life.… They confront human beings with the extremities of helplessness and terror, and evoke the responses of catastrophe.”― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror

⚫“She has the feeling already that she will remember this night for a long time. But she feels this way often, a certain simmering. It is a habit of thinking she shares with her father–every ordinary moment holds a potential calamity, and you cannot know when one will rise.”― Karen Thompson Walker, The Dreamers

⚫“Sometimes I find myself in the eye of my own hurricane.… He was trouble in my life interrupting my world crashing into my dreams but I was a fucking storm the lightening to his thunder so, what more could a little chaos add but a beautiful catastrophic eruption.”― Melody Lee, Vine: Book of Poetry

⚫“Staring at danger may not be pleasant – but closing your eyes will not make the danger go away, and with closed eyes you will surely be destroyed by it.”― Michel Houellebecq, Serotonin

⚫“Supongo que no hay manera de hacer regresar la nube con forma de hongo a esa bonita y reluciente esfera de uranio.”― Isaac Asimov

⚫“The diminishing fiery shell reached them as well. It melted everything in its path, starting with the corner of the island. Even the ocean water boiled until it evaporated, then turned the molecules into plasma as if that weren’t enough. The plasma vapor, thousands of degrees hot, removed their flesh and carbonized them to the bone. Not even Dazai’s power to nullify other skills could nullify the collateral plasma vapor. He and Kunikida became but shadows, burned into the pavement—but even that pavement instantly melted away. Dazai muttered something the moment he vanished, but even the air that came out of his mouth turned into plasma, never to be heard.”― Kafka Asagiri

⚫“The Last Virus on Earth would likely be Us Humans.”― Joey Lawsin, Biotronics: The Silver Species

⚫“The rich don’t care if the World is to sink. They have yachts.”― Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

⚫“This is the time we have to walk stepping on the storm.”― Suman Pokhrel

⚫“Unemployment, too, has taken on new meaning. It is no longer a strategy of capital (the reserve army of labour). It is no longer a critical factor in the play of social relationships – if it were, since the danger level was passed long ago, it would necessarily have sparked unprecedented upheavals. What is unemployment today? It too is a sort of artificial satellite, a satellite of inertia, a mass with a charge of electricity that cannot even be described as a negative charge, for it is static: I refer to that increasingly large portion of society that is deepfrozen. Beneath the accelerating pace of the circuits and systems of exchange, beneath all the frenzied activity, there is something in us – in each of us – that slows down to the point where it fades out of circulation. This is the inertia point around which the whole of society eventually begins to gravitate. It is as though the two poles of our world had been brought into contact, shortcircuiting in such a way that they simultaneously hyperstimulate and enervate potential energies. This is no longer a crisis, but a fatal development – a catastrophe in slow motion.”― Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena

⚫“We are landless and listless, so estranged from our planet, so removed from the decision-making that governs it, so isolated from each other and the life we share this world with that we’re seemingly unable even to come together and prevent global human and environmental catastrophe. We’re still being decided and conquered by [land] enclosure, only now the fences are invisible and internal too.”― Rob Cowen, Common Ground

⚫“When the sky falls, there’ll be a bigger sky behind it.”― Marty Rubin

Catastrophe quotes from Sharon

⚫“God is like the best friend of a lazy parent. ‘Why is the sun yellow?’ ‘God’s favourite colour is yellow.’” — Sharon

⚫“I might like someone to shovel a path for me and my baby in the nuclear winter.” — Sharon

“I was really touched seeing you go apeshit at someone for me.” — Sharon

Catastrophe quotes from Sharon

⚫“I wouldn’t want to have sex with me. I’m just a cow in a dressing gown.” — Sharon

⚫“I’ll remember you as the sturdy love-maker with a massive chin who was really kind to waiters and taxi drivers, which suggests that you might actually be a good person.” — Sharon

⚫“Just imagine a nice enough guy taking a shit and reading about Hitler and that’s my husband.” — Sharon

⚫“Oh God, I want to smoke a cigarette. Will you get one and just smoke it and blow it on me?” — Sharon

⚫“Push it back in and cut it out!” — Sharon

Catastrophe quotes from Rob

⚫“Even if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t kill you. Or have you killed.” — Rob

⚫“I quit a few years ago, after I s*** my pants at my sister’s wedding.” — Rob

⚫“I very fancy you.” — Rob

⚫“I want you to know that I’m going to look back at my time with you and remember you as an extraordinarily good-smelling woman with a magical ass.” — Rob

⚫“I wanted to propose to your properly at the restaurant with a view, a 360-degree view, and then here by the river. Then you knocked the ring in the road like an animal and then this woman pissed on it.” — Rob

⚫“If I ever do cheat on you, it’s going to be a cash transaction with a guaranteed ejaculation, after which she immediately leaves so I can ponder suicide because of how guilty I feel.” — Rob

⚫“If you think I’m going to put time, money and effort into maybe getting into some woman’s pants, you’re crazy.” — Rob

“Kids scream all the time. And then they’re happy the rest of the time. And adults, we just try to keep everything stuffed in a box that explodes every once in a while and hurts people.” — Rob

Catastrophe quotes from Rob

⚫“Let’s go to dinner Friday night. We can go to a nice restaurant, and then go have sex in a park. Does that sound nice?” — Rob

⚫“When you go to work, and you prod some little snot-faced kid into using his imagination instead of meth, that’s massive.” — Rob

⚫“You don’t have a monopoly on pain. Look around.” — Rob

⚫“You exude black squid ink. ” — Rob

⚫“You know, there’s no playbook on how to grieve.” — Rob

⚫“You let me put my penis in your mouth but you won’t let me put my t-shirts in your drawer?” — Rob

⚫“Your boobs look extra big in that dress. If you had those when we met, I would’ve gotten you double pregnant.” — Rob

⚫“So I just write a check every month and leave it at that? Fuck that. I didn’t know my father and it sucked. This kid gets a dad.” — Rob

⚫“Why haven’t I cheated on you? Because… Loads of reasons. I mean, the biggest is you have been pregnant so much, so, not fucking some prostitute is the least I can do when you have been carting around our babies in your body.” — Rob


Catastrophe Quotes can be a powerful way to remind us of the fragility of life, the importance of being prepared for the worst, and the ultimate importance of resilience and hope in the face of disaster. They can be a source of comfort and strength, and can help us to find the courage to face whatever life throws at us.

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