Castlevania Quotes

Castlevania Quotes – The Most Iconic

Welcome to Castlevania Quotes, the ultimate source of words of wisdom from the beloved Castlevania series. Here you can find quotes from the games, the show, and the characters that have shaped the series’ legacy. Whether you’re a fan of the classic series or the more recent Netflix adaptation, you’ll find something to inspire and motivate you here. So dive in, explore, and enjoy!

The Best Quotes From Castlevania

⚫“The funny thing is, for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no idea what happens next. I just have this feeling that it’s going to be worth it.” -Alucard

⚫“A bit less of your sh*t please.” -Alucard

“And I’ve discovered, to some surprise… that I am interested in living.” -Isaac

The Best Quotes From Castlevania

⚫“And if Hector ever tries to harm us, or take it off, or run away, his ring will cause him so much pain that he’ll think he shat out his own heart.” -Lenore

⚫“And it’s not the dying that frightens us. It’s never having stood up and fought for you.” -Trevor

⚫“And, uh, why would I be going down there with you? I seem to have missed that part of your epic plan.” -Saint Germain

⚫“Because I take things away from stupid, evil old men. It’s what I do. I’ve always done it. They deserve to lose everything, and I deserve to have all of their stuff.” -Carmilla

⚫“Because I’m going to wait for that b*stard in Hell and kill him all over again when he arrives.” -The Judge

⚫“But we are creatures of Hell to be commanded to fight” -Flyseyes

⚫“Don’t mistake me for a witch. Everybody out there already does that.” -Lisa

⚫“Even you were horrified by what she turned into.” -Isaac

⚫“For no tool would taste a berry and remember the time in its first life when it encountered them.” -Isaac

⚫“God brand, you’ve never met anything you didn’t immediately kill, f*ck, or make a boat out of.” -Hector

⚫“God, you still think you’re funny.” -Alucard

⚫“Hell itself has attempted to curse our golden city, but we will not allow it.” -Zamfir

⚫“Here, every little story is a huge thing.” -The Judge

⚫“Human sacrifice really is back in fashion.” -Sypha

⚫“I am not sad when I turn humans into food. Understood?’ -Miranda

⚫“I choose my death as I choose my life.” -Isaac

⚫“I died. And you weren’t there. And you died. And you came to find me.” -Lisa

⚫“I do not trust people, generally.” -Saint Germain

⚫“I don’t have a strong opinion. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin to me.” -Alucard

⚫“I don’t like your tone Belmont.” -Alucard

⚫“I don’t think we can leave these people, not in their time of need.” -Sypha

⚫“I fail to see why this should interest me.” -Sala

⚫“I hope I get to live long enough to find out how it ends.” -Trevor

⚫“I learned something about sin. I learned to like it.” -Flyseyes

⚫“I remember how it was to dream and to remember moments of the dream, but never the entire play.” -Flyseyes

⚫“I think these people are just out of their minds.” -Sypha

⚫“I think we’ve made a terrible mistake.” -Sypha

⚫“I will find us a covered wagon and horses if you two can manage not to kill each other while I’m gone.” -Sypha

⚫“I will not be silent.” -Lisa

⚫“I’d seen enough war before I was five years old and life didn’t get better after that.” -Lenore

⚫“I’m – I’m simply not used to people being kind to me for no reason.” -Saint Germain

⚫“I’m amazed anyone’s still alive. Let alone the royal family.” -Trevor

⚫“I’m Trevor f*cking Belmont, and I’ve never lost a fight to man nor f*cking beast.” -Trevor

“I’ve got eyes and ears. I know when something’s wrong.” -Hector

The Best Quotes From Castlevania

⚫“If this little show you’re putting on gets us all killed, this was for nothing.” -Saint Germain

⚫“Imagine if he could have aimed all that knowledge at improving lives.” -Alucard

⚫“Is this what it was all for?” -Lenore

⚫“It hasn’t worked out so well, so far, has it?” -Greta

⚫“It turns out he’s actually fairly good at s*x, and I want to train him.” -Lenore

⚫“It’s been a while since children laughed here.” -Alucard

⚫“It’s not dying that frightens us. It’s living without ever having done our best.” -The Elder

⚫“It’s not magic. It’s nothing but things we used to know, that we forgot or lost over the years.” – Lisa

⚫“It’s worse than I could have imagined. I’ve seen more than a few wrecked towns in my life.” -Sypha

⚫“Just stay out of my way. That’s all I ask.” -Saint Germain

⚫“Killing you was the point. Living through it was just a luxury.” -Trevor

⚫“Let’s settle for saving this town.” -Trevor

⚫“Let’s show you to your grandfather and then you can come down here and get killed again. Deal?” – Trevor

⚫“Listen, we need to stop reacting and start acting.” -Trevor

⚫“My fellow humans have never treated me with love. And I punished them for it. But I wouldn’t have them suffer. And, like any animal, I think the world would be poorer with their extinction. I would

⚫“just see to it that they couldn’t harm anyone else.” -Hector

⚫“Never enough time in the end, is there?” -Hector

⚫“No wonder these creatures were so angry.” -Sypha

⚫“No, because if she’d meant to kill you, you would quite simply be dead.” -Lenore

⚫“Oh, the word will still be here, Belmont. Trees will still grow, birds will still sing, animals will still hump away in the undergrowth. But you won’t be here….The sun will set, but you won’t see it rise.” -Alucard

⚫“One cannot without God…quite literally, in these days.” -The Bishop

⚫“Other towns need their aid and to have their stories saved.” -Sypha

⚫“Please, you don’t know what you’re going to bring upon yourself if you harm me.” – Lisa

⚫“Running water? I’ve never heard of that affecting vampires.” -Isaac

⚫“See? He knows how to be nice.” -Sypha

⚫“So, yes, I’m very much afraid I have to kill you.” -Isaac

⚫“Somebody always needs something.” -The Judge

⚫“Stop pretending that this is anything other than what it is.” -Hector

⚫“Sypha, translate this idiot’s gibberish into actual language for me.” -The Judge

⚫“That’s because everyone else is a horrible piece of sh*t.” -Trevor

⚫“The black and the red. The night and the blood. These are the things that bind us together.” -Lenore

⚫“The humans. The stupid, vicious, spiteful, evil humans.” –Dracula

⚫“The plan didn’t matter a whit compared to your safety.” -Lenore

⚫“The real people are talking.” -Lenore

⚫“The same stories happen in cities, but there are so many people in cities that the stories just rush by. Here, every little story is a huge thing.” -The Judge

⚫“The sheer breadth of your travels is incredible.” -Saint Germain

⚫“The violence wasn’t necessary, sir. But…it is appreciated.” -The Elder

⚫“There are no innocents! Not anymore!” -Dracula

⚫“They can’t help you until they help themselves. Otherwise, your invisible king and queen will rule over nothing but bones.” -Sypha

⚫“They won’t be peasants anymore if you teach them.” -Lisa

⚫“This is where you’re supposed to tell me that I’m not alone, Belmont.” -Sypha

⚫“This, my dear lady, maybe the most important place in the modern world.” -Dragan

⚫“To just fling open the door and say ‘fly, be free, pretty human boy’? That – that would be a direct betrayal.” -Lenore

⚫“Uh, my family were a little too dead to tell me many stories.” -Trevor

⚫“We can’t do it without Lenore turning the forge master, and she’s just taking him out for f*cking walkies.” -Striga

⚫“We carry with us the accumulated wisdom of this great country. We will use that to fight our battle.” -Sypha

⚫“We have a real chance to make it better for our children than it was for us. For once, it could be better. For all our children.” -Greta

⚫“We have a second chance…and a brand-new future.” -Lisa and Dracula

⚫“We know the stories, but sometimes it’s hard to separate myth from truth.” -Sypha

⚫“We might well lose. But, if nothing else, we might show someone that, although battles are won and lost, there is a larger war at stake.” -The Elder

⚫“We’ve spent a couple of months living your life. Adventures and victories. Now, we’re living my life.” -Trevor

⚫“Well now I definitely need a drink. I think she’s f*cking adopted him.” -Carmilla

⚫“What I think…is I’m going to have to kill you.” -Trevor

⚫“When Carmilla’s left on her own for too long, she starts to scheme, and that works out really well for us.” -Lenore

⚫“Why would I waste my time, when I can just take whatever I want and then kill whoever had them.” -Carmilla

⚫“Will killing an old man make you less scared of the dark?” – The Elder

⚫“You are definitely different to most humans I have met in recent times.” -Dracula

⚫“You came from sh*t. I came from sh*t. We all come from sh*t.” -Bosha

⚫“You cannot enter the house of God.” -The Bishop

⚫“You people spend 60 years bumping into things and call it a life. We have to take a longer view.” -Lenore

⚫“You put lightning into lamps and you tell us it’s not magic?” -Taka

⚫“You’re either the last son of a warrior dynasty or a lucky drunk. Which is it?” -Alucard

⚫“You’ve met Carmilla. She’s the spark. We see the present. She draws down the future. We’re the body, and she’s the dream.” -Lenore

⚫“Your greatest gift to me and I’m killing him. I must already be dead.” -Dracula

Castlevania quotes by Elder

⚫“It is not dying that frightens us. It’s living without ever having done our best.” — Elder

⚫“History is a living thing. Paper is dead.” — Elder

Castlevania quotes by Trevor Belmont

“It’s just public enough to stop me slitting your throat.” — Trevor Belmont

Castlevania quotes by Trevor Belmont

⚫“For evil bastards to win power, all ordinary people have to do is stand aside and keep quiet.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“I am Trevor Belmont of the House of Belmont, and dying has never frightened me.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“I’m a simple man with simple pleasures.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“I’m Trevor f*cking Belmont, and I’ve never lost a fight to man nor f*cking beast” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“Killing you was the point. Living through it was just a luxury.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“Seriously? I’m out of practice, but I’m stone-cold sober.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“So I can find somewhere to piss and somewhere else to sleep.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“They shat on a farm, Sypha. And their shit was on fire… Burning devil goat turds from the sky.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“We’ve spent a couple of months living your life. Adventures and victories. And now we’re living my life.” — Trevor

⚫“You’re still a bastard. But you’re the bastard I chose to fight alongside.” — Trevor Belmont

⚫“You’ve spent your entire adult life being hated by everyone you ever met and you were fine with that. You even liked it.” — Trevor Belmont

Castlevania quotes by Lisa Tepes

⚫“Maybe I can teach you to like people again, or at least tolerate them, or stop putting them on sticks.” — Lisa Tepes

⚫“Perhaps I could help you relearn some manners.” — Lisa Tepes

Castlevania quotes by Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“At first I wanted to kill you but I’m glad I spent the time to get to know you.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“I am Vlad Dracula Tepes, and I do not get many visitors. What have you to trade for my knowledge, Lisa from Lupu?” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

“Kill everything you see. Kill them all.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

Castlevania quotes by Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“Lisa Tepes was a woman of science, and the one thing that justified humanity’s stench upon this planet.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“She said to me, if you would love me as a man, then live as a man.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“The Morning Star whip… well played, Belmont. But I am no ordinary vampire to be killed by your human magics. I am Vlad Dracula Tepes, AND I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

⚫“You took that which I love, so I will take from you everything you have and everything you have ever been.” — Vlad Dracula Tepes

Castlevania quotes by Alucard

“I don’t have a strong opinion. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin to me.”

Castlevania quotes by Alucard

⚫“I won’t let you do it. I grieve with you, but I won’t let you commit genocide.”

⚫““It’s been a strange ride. I’m happy it’s over. The funny thing is, for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no idea what happens next. I just have feeling that it’s going to be worth it. That’s exactly it. I’m weirdly happy.”

⚫“We are all, in the end… slaves to our families’ wishes.”

⚫“You do need to understand. I’m sharing all of this with you so that you’ll remember it and pass it on. Not just the war-making.”

⚫“But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” — Alucard


Castlevania Quotes remind us of the power of resilience and courage in the face of adversity. They serve as a reminder that, no matter how daunting a situation may seem, we can always find strength to overcome it. In the end, the power to succeed lies within ourselves, and we should never forget that.

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