Archie Bunker Quotes

Archie Bunker Quotes – Celebrating the Best

The world of Archie Bunker Quotes, one of the most iconic characters in television history, and the source of some of the most memorable quotes ever uttered. Archie Bunker is a beloved and controversial character from the classic television show All in the Family, which ran for nine seasons from 1971 to 1979. His unapologetic and often politically incorrect views on family, religion, race and many other topics made him a beloved character to many and a despised one to others. Here you’ll find some of his most famous quotes and some of his most outrageous statements.

Funny Archie Bunker quotes

💠 “It ain’t German to the conversation.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “It’s too late Edith, my bus has sailed.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “That one kind of grapes on my nerves.” ― Archie Bunker

“I got a unanimous letter.” ― Archie Bunker

Funny Archie Bunker quotes

💠 “I am B-U-Z-Y, busy!” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Why don’t you take a high dive into the clam drip?” ― Archie Bunker

💠“There’s a strong criminal element up there.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “She takes everything I say out of contest.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Entertainment is a thing of the past, today we’ve got television.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “We better not, ya know, kill our chickens before they cross the road.” ― Archie Bunker

Memorable Archie Bunker quotes

💠 “Patience is a virgin.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “If it’s too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Mrs. O’Leary’s cow is sorry, but Cleveland burned anyway.” ― Archie Bunker

“We’re Just Sweeping Dirty Dishes Under The Rug.” ― Archie Bunker

Memorable Archie Bunker quotes

💠 “Dummy up.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “And remember, don’t talk to strangers unless you know them very well.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Well, I’ll tell you one thing about President Nixon. He keeps Pat home. Which was where Roosevelt should have kept Eleanor. Instead, he let her run around loose until one day she discovered the colored. We never knew they were there. She told them they were gettin’ the short end of the stick and we been having trouble ever since.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Anybody that goes to see a psychiatrist ought to have his head examined!” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “No, let me tell you something, Mr. Stivic. You are a meathead! A meathead, dead from head up! A meathead!” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Every man should be king of his castle. And in this here castle, I am the king.” ― Archie Bunker

Interesting Archie Bunker quotes

💠 “This isn’t something a man usually tells a woman: I love you, Edith.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Tell her I ain’t crawlin’ home to her with my tail between her legs.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “I wake up on a Saturday morning, I’m all alone. There’s no note, no nothing. There’s nobody here.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “I’ve never seen a man so low and depaved.” ― Archie Bunker

💠 “Edith, somebody’s gotta be dead; that’s life.” ― Archie Bunker

Famous Archie Bunker Quotes On Health

đź’  “You have turned into a pyronymphiac.”

đź’  “Could I get gangroon out of that?”

“In her elastic stockings, next to her very close veins.”

Famous Archie Bunker Quotes On Health

đź’  “How about what I done for you in the bottle there? Ya know, the eulogy test.”

đź’  “Don’t be hollerin’ at him, will ya, you’ll give him a mental sterosis.”

đź’  “When a boy’s coming into poobertyhood.”

Funny Archie Bunker Quotes On Government

đź’  “No taxation without regimentation.”

đź’  “Ya better keep a civilian tongue in your head.”

đź’  “Some system of judaspudence we got here.”

đź’  “The rules are written by the bureaucraps.”

đź’  “When you’re workin’ with invalids there, especially a lotta kinda decrapid old people.”

đź’  “Ordinary tradegies of war.”

“You ain’t got no qualifications.”

Funny Archie Bunker Quotes On Government

đź’  “Legitimate reality company.”

đź’  “Making suppository remarks about our country.”

Archie Bunker Quotes To Edith

đź’  “Next time you want to time something, Edith, just let the sand run out of your head.”

đź’  “Edith, somebody’s gotta be dead; that’s life.”

đź’  “This ain’t something a man usually tells a woman: I love you, Edith.”

đź’  Archie: “C’mon, give me your opinion, straight from the dingbat.”

đź’  Archie: “I wake up on a Saturday morning, I’m all alone. There’s no note, no nothing. There’s nobody here.”

đź’  Mike: “We’re all family here.”

đź’  Mike: “Would you stand up and cheer if it was me at the door?”

Best Archie Bunker Quotes

đź’  “Like the old adverb you can lead a gift horse to the water but ya can’t look in his mouth.”

đź’  “There’s an old saying, ‘Ya don’t keep runnin’ after you catch the bus.'”

đź’  “Maybe my mind chewed off more than the mind should bite.”

đź’  “Just ’cause there’s snow in the basement don’t mean there ain’t no fire in the roof!”

“The atheist religion don’t believe in the Bible.”

Best Archie Bunker Quotes

đź’  “In fifty years, he never worked a day. To him, nine to five was odds on a horse.”

đź’  “If everything is good in the henhouse, you see don’t have to go out for eggs.”

đź’  “That woman is liable to come at you like Doberman’s Pincher.”

đź’  “One good egg in a barrel of rotten apples.”


Archie Bunker’s quotes, while often controversial, are a testament to his wit and perception. He was often unafraid to speak his mind, and his words remain popular among fans of the show even today. His humor and perspectives, while sometimes outdated, continue to resonate with viewers and remind us how much we can learn from one another. No matter what you think of Archie Bunker, it’s hard to deny the impact his words had and still have on popular culture.

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