Altered Carbon Quotes

Altered Carbon Quotes – Exploring The Quotes

Altered Carbon Quotes, a comprehensive collection of quotes from the hit scifi Netflix show. From the robotic AI, to the philosophical musings of Reileen Kawahara, these quotes will surely bring some thoughtprovoking moments to your day. Enjoy.

Altered Carbon Quotes By Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “time Is The Greatest Of All Warriors. What It Doesn’t Destroy, It Alters Beyond Recognition.” — Takeshi Kovacs

“some People Just Need Killing.” — Takeshi Kovacs

Altered Carbon Quotes By Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “humanity Has Spread To The Stars. We Set Out Like Ancient Seafarers To Explore The Limitless Ocean Of Space. But No Matter How Far We Venture Into The Unknown, The Worst Monsters Are Those We Bring With Us.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “death Isn’t Only About The Destruction Of The Body. Sometimes, Just Like That, You Extinguish Oneself And Another Is Born. But Every Birth Is Violent And There’s No Death Without Pain.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “when The Victors Rewrite History, It’s Just Another Kind Of War, Waged After The Battlefield Killing Is Done, To Murder The Memory Of The Defeated.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “sometimes, Belief Isn’t About What We Can See. It’s About What We Can’t.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “war Is The Only Thing We Really Understand.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “there’s Nowhere You Can Go That I Won’t Be With You.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “there Aren’t Any People Like Me. Not Anymore.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “the Moments Of Peace That We Find Sometimes, They Aren’t Anything But Warfare, Thinly Disguised. And Sometimes, Surrender Can Be As Savage As Any Attack.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “the Instinct Of Violence Curls Inside Us Like A Parasite, Waiting For A Chance To Feed On Our Rage And Multiply Until It Bursts Out Of Us.” — Takeshi Kovacs

“a Man Who Never Loves Gives No Hostage To Fortune.” — Takeshi Kovacs

Altered Carbon Quotes By Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “technology Has Conquered Death, But With Endless Future Comes Endless Past.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “stay Alive Long Enough, And There’s Nowhere You Can Go That Isn’t Haunted.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “i’m Gonna Need Access That You Don’t Wanna Give, And I’m Gonna Find Answers That You May Only Think You Want.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “what We Believe Shapes Who We Are. Belief Can Bring Us Salvation Or Destruction. But When You Believe A Lie For Too Long, The Truth Doesn’t Set You Free. It Tears You Apart.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “technology Advances, But Humans Don’t. We’re Smart Monkeys, And What We Want Is Always The Same. Food, Shelter, Sex, And In All Its Forms, Escape.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “peace Is An Illusion. And No Matter How Tranquil The World Seems, Peace Doesn’t Last Long. Peace Is A Struggle Against Our Very Nature. A Skin We Stretch Over The Bone, Muscle, And Sinew Of Our Own Innate Savagery.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “when Everyone Lies, Telling The Truth Isn’t Just Rebellion. It’s An Act Of Revolution. So Think Carefully When You Speak It, Because The Truth Is A Weapon.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “the Danger Of Living Too Many Times: You Forget To Fear Death.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “we’re All Broken. There’s Nothing More Human Than That.” — Takeshi Kovacs

💠 “we Tell Ourselves This Is Progress. Selling Each Other The Fruits Of Our Destruction.” — Takeshi Kovacs

Altered Carbon Quotes By Quellcrist Falconer

💠 “This sleeve is a tool. It does not control me. I control it. This is the weakness of weapons. They are tools to kill and destroy. They are not what gives you power. You are the weapon. You are the killer and destroyer.” — Quellcrist Falconer

 “The best place to hide something from someone is the first place they look. If it’s obvious, no one looks close.” — Quellcrist Falconer


Altered Carbon Quotes By Quellcrist Falconer

💠 “Without death we can’t know what a life is worth.” — Quellcrist Falconer


The quotes from Altered Carbon are a great way to gain insight into the world of this show, as well as the themes it tackles. They help to capture the essence of the show, as well as its characters, and provide us with a deeper level of understanding. Whether it’s a quote to motivate you or one to make you think, the quotes from Altered Carbon are sure to leave a lasting impression.

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