Deion Sanders Quotes

Deion Sanders Quotes

Deion sanders is an american sports analyst, former professional football and baseball player, and hall of fame inductee. He is widely considered one of the greatest athletes of all time, and deion sanders quotes are renowned for their insight, wit, and humor. In this article, we will be looking at some of the most famous deion sanders quotes that have been inspiring people for decades.

Deion Sanders Quotes On Playing Good In Life.

🟢 “I’m married to football, baseball is my girlfriend.”- Deion Sanders

     “I don’t care what they say about me when I’m through with sports. I don’t want to be known as anything else in life but a great father.”- Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders Quotes On Playing Good In Life.

🟢 “Time is a wonderful storyteller.” – Deion Sanders

🟢 “I was kinda scared. I thought Detroit was gonna take me. I would’ve asked them for so much money they would have to put me on layaway.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I don’t want to be specific on my role, because that will limit me. I want to touch all areas of the organization.”- Deion Sanders

“If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good.”
🟢 “Water covers two-thirds of the Earth. I cover the rest.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I like what I see. I think the league is heading in the proper direction.”- Deion Sanders

🟢  “If you don’t believe in yourself how will somebody else believe in you?”- Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders Quotes On Why Life Is More Than A Salary

🟢 “I always wanted to make sure my parents didn’t have to work again for the rest of their lives.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I felt like a deer with a hundred hunters after me.”- Deion Sanders

 “There’s no class to manage people. There’s no class to teach on how to handle millions. There’s no class to teach us how to manage time.”- Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders Quotes On Why Life Is More Than A Salary


🟢 “I would do this for free as long as you’re doing it for free.” – Deion Sanders

🟢 “Your mind is everything. All the mess causes you stress starts in your head. If you’re weak it starts in your head. If your strong it starts in your head. You make a decision today to be what you wanna be.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I got my dog back, in African-American language, your dog means your passion, your fire.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “You’ve got to want what you want more than what you got.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I don’t know the definition of a star, but whoever has that title, I think it goes beyond what they do on the field.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “You don’t go from a Yugo to a Benz, back to a Yugo.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I never wear the same shoe twice.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “Nobody could have been doing what I’ve been doing at home for the past two months,…I’m in great condition and great shape. I feel wonderful.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “It’s gonna be a lot of zeros in that contract. You gonna think it’s alphabet soup or something, all those zeros in there.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “When we have public success we also have private struggles.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “Fishing’s relaxing, man. Most relaxing thing in my life. It’s therapy for me. I don’t think about business… sports. All I think about is catching the next fish.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I can really fish – I’ve been fishing since I was a kid.”- Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders Quotes On Coaching Your Own Life

🟢 “I just with the best for him, that he can somehow get it together and understand life.”- Deion Sanders

 “You need an escape, a getaway, something to separate your mind from what is going on. Sometimes your career is about that.”- Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders Quotes On Coaching Your Own Life

🟢 “I look at this as a challenge. I think all men thrive on a challenge. I love arena football. It’s exciting.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “He can do anything. He’s a big-play guy. And guys like him need to be on the field and have the ball in their hands as much as they can get it.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “You just know that without music, P. Diddy would still be something. Muhammad Ali was the same way. Boxing was just a platform. He would have been great in politics or something else. Your performance has to be there, but you’ve also got to be able to reach people and bring them to where you are. To make them feel you.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “The thrill is gone. It’s time for me to step away.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m good once as I’ve ever been.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “You are what dreams are made of. You have no idea how many people are rooting for you and behind you. I’ve watched you. I’m not just jumping on your bandwagon right now. I’ve watched you play a couple games this year and you were totally dominant. With what you accomplished at the Combine, with your game film, baby, you’ve got it. You’ve got it. And I cannot wait to see you in the NFL.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “I thought I came back to win a Superbowl. But I found out in the middle of last season that’s not what I came back for. I came back for these men inside the locker room. It wasn’t about playing with those guys, it was about allowing those guys to see the man behind the persona.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “At this point and age in my career I’m not looking for a stage. I’m looking to teach the younger players how to be professional, how to be a man, how to be a father, how to be a friend, how to handle your finances.” – Deion Sanders

🟢 “Wives, girlfriends, fiancees – clean out your closets. I’m cleaning out my old bell bottoms. We can touch millions.” – Deion Sanders

🟢 “There is no way a guy can have that much ability, and that kind of instinct, vision and burst and he shouldn’t be playing.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “If I don’t like what I see, I may just have to go down there and play. You never know when I might put on a uniform.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “The recent devastation of Hurricane Katrina in the aftermath of her wrath, there has been a loss of life, property, finances, homelessness and a multitude of atrocities. The people affected by this disaster is astronomical.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “Through unity, we can touch thousands. This is our backyard. We feel this.”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “Whenever you have to come to my house and convince me to leave my home and play football, deep down in my heart I really don’t want to play, but I really don’t want to let you down.”

🟢 “Sure we’re in limos. We’re stars. How else is a star supposed to travel?”- Deion Sanders

🟢 “Just think about the game. Think about playing great, having a great time. Helping my team win.”- Deion Sanders

Best Quotes From Deion Sanders

🟢 “Playing on ESPN2 and not ESPN. Not being invited to bowl games when some teams are 6-5 and really not worthy. I want to know why that is not on the table for HBCUs. When I say level the playing field, I want to level it in every aspect of the word. I just truly want our kids to understand that there is a navigation system that leads us to the NFL like it once did.”

🟢 “People say there’s no ‘I’ in team. Well, there’s not. But there’s an ‘I’ in win.”

🟢 “If your dream ain’t bigger than you, there’s a problem with your dream.”

🟢 “If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good.”

🟢 “Bill Belichick is the best professional football coach I think ever lived. I’m upset that I played for a plethora of teams and never got an opportunity to play for Bill Belichick.”

Leadership Quotes From Deion Sanders

🟢 “The problem I have with Bill Parcells is him quitting. I don’t like guys quitting. If you sign up for something, finish the job, get the job done. Don’t quit. It is a three-year formula, he goes in, gets his three years and then he quits and walks out of there with a bucket full of money. I don’t like that part of it”

🟢 “Athletes know kids look up to them, and it’s important for athletes to be responsible.”

🟢 “I expect to be great. I expect to do what hasn’t been done. I expect to provoke change.”
“Whenever you make a promise, you have a responsibility to that promise.”

Final Thoughts

Deion sanders quotes is that they are inspirational and motivational for people of all ages and backgrounds. They provide a unique perspective on life and can be used to motivate and inspire others.

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