Colin Kaepernick Quotes

Colin Kaepernick Quotes

Colin kaepernick is an american football quarterback who is best known for his impact on the nfl, the civil rights movement, and the black lives matter movement. He is a powerful, outspoken advocate for social justice and stands up for what he believes in. Through his writing and public speaking, he has inspired many people to fight for what is right.

Famous Colin Kaepernick Quotes

🔵 “It’s important for people to know that I’m still focused on football… I’m handling my business to get ready for the next season.”

 “You’re always going to be mad about a bad play.”

Famous Colin Kaepernick Quotes

🔵 “With or without the NFL’s platform, I will continue to work for the people because my platform is the people.”

🔵 “Will Smith is a funny person, a very likable person, but at the same time he can be serious and really handle his business. I’ll stay away from talking about his rapping abilities, though.”

🔵 “I can’t look in the mirror and see other people dying in the street that should have the same opportunities that I’ve had and say I can live with myself because I can’t if I just watch.”

🔵 “As I got older my identity developed and my place in society and my understanding of that developed.”

🔵 “If intimidation is your game plan, I hope you have a better one.”

🔵 “If you work hard and perform well, it doesn’t matter whether you’re 20 or 40. People are going to follow, and you can go in there and run the show.”

🔵 “Going out on the field frantic isn’t going to help you score points. You have to try to lead your team.”
🔵 “People sometimes forget that love is at the root of our resistance.”

🔵 “I’ll never take the easy way out.”

🔵 “Most people don’t want to change. They’re comfortable and set in their ways. But in order to change, you have to be able to agitate people at times. And I think that’s somethingthat’s very necessary for us to improve as a country.”

🔵 “Camp Taylor is a foundation that I’m connected with right now, and anything I can do to help them and help those kids is something I want to do.”

🔵 “God has brought me this far. He has laid out a phenomenal path for me. And I can’t do anything but thank him.”

🔵 “How can you stand for the national anthem of a nation that preaches and propagates freedom and justice for all, that’s so unjust to the people living there.”

🔵 “There are a lot of other parts on this team that do great things to make it easy for me to go out there.”

Colin Kaepernick Inspirational Quotes

🔵 “Being an NFL quarterback there’s a lot of advantages that come with it. There are a lot of doors that open when you’re a quarterback but at the same time, there’s a lot of scrutiny. There are a lot of things you can’t do as well.”

🔵 “Score a touchdown, kiss your tattoo. Kaepernicking!”

🔵 “You have to train hard and be strong while staying flexible and limber, so I’m trying to find that balance.”

 “Pressure comes from a lack of preparation.”

Colin Kaepernick Inspirational Quotes

🔵 “You’re going to hurt, yes. You’re going to have tweaks and problems. But you’re a football player; you can play through those.”

🔵 “If you’re going to do something, do it to be the best.”

🔵 “For me, I don’t really see a lot of the things I do as what I do, I see that as what our team does. It just happens to be that I’m the quarterback in those situations.”

🔵 “I just want to improve game to game and try to get better.”

Thought-provoking Colin Kaepernick Quotes

🔵 “At the end of the day, if something happens, that’s only proving my point.”

 “We have to unite. We have to unify and make a change.”

Thought-provoking Colin Kaepernick Quotes

🔵 “Seeking the truth, finding the truth, telling the truth, and living the truth has been and will always be what guides my actions.”

🔵 “You have to take care of the ball to win football games.”

🔵 “Sometimes, when things are going really well, I feel like I’ve already seen things – it’s the flashback feeling in a good way. Like I’m watching a rerun because I’ve studied this defense and know what comes next.”

🔵 “We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison.”

Colin Kaepernick Quotes On Justice

🔵 “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”

🔵 “People don’t realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot of things that are going on that are unjust. People aren’t being held accountable for. And that’s somethingthat needs to change. That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty, and justice for all.”

🔵 “And if we reach common ground and can understand what everybody is going through, we can really affect change and make sure that everybody is treated equally and has the same freedoms.”

🔵 “I have great respect for men and women who fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone to fight for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone.”

🔵 “I have great respect for people’s right to believe what they want to believe. And I don’t think anybody should be prosecuted or judged based on what their beliefs are.”

🔵 “There’s people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. People are being given paid leave for killing people. That’s not right. That’s not right by anyone’s standards.”

🔵 “There are things that have gone on in the USA for years and years and have never been addressed, and they need to be.”

🔵 “People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up as far as, you know, giving freedom and justice and liberty to everybody.”

Final Thoughts

Colin kaepernick quotes is that they are inspirational, thought-provoking, and encourage people to stand up for what they believe in. His words have inspired many people to take action and have sparked important conversations about race, justice, and inequality.

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