Bloodline Quotes

Bloodline Quotes – A Collection of Inspiring

Welcome to Bloodline Quotes, a collection of inspiring messages and quotes from a variety of sources. Here you will find quotes from famous people, authors, and thought leaders that will help you through challenging times and provide motivation to help you reach your goals. We believe that all of us have the capacity to make a difference in our lives and the lives of those around us, and these quotes will help you to remember that you have the power to change your life and make it better.

Bloodline Quotes

🔹“where every road is another blessed memory, a new experience to carry inside my journey, a sense of belonging to a familiar tribe, a brotherhood that goes beyond a bloodline.”― Jess “”Chief”” Brynjulson, Highway Writings”

🔹“All pre-Abrahamic cultures understood the tremendous importance of remaining closely connected to the past if the present was to be invested with any spiritually significant meaning. They also understood that the most personally relevant and accessible portal to the empowering wisdom and goodness of the past was through their own direct ancestors, those who shared their particular bloodline and DNA. It was for this reason that all traditional cultures engaged in what is often called ancestor worship (pitri-puja). There is no pre-Abrahamic culture on Earth that did not honor its ancestors in one form or another. This is a very important spiritual practice and tradition that used to be practiced universally by families in the ancient past. The process of ancestor worship now needs to be revived in the modern world if we are to not lose our sacred connection with our own cultural-spiritual heritage. Ancestor worship must become a regular practice again.”― Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

🔹“But the love of sisters needs no words. It does not depend on memories, or mementos, or proof. It runs as deep as a heartbeat. It is as ever present a s a pulse.”― Lisa Wingate, Before We Were Yours

🔹“Every generational revolution creates three types of people, Billionaires, Millionaires, and Witnesses. Don’t be the latter. Be the most formidable force your bloodline has ever seen. Godspeed.”― Emmanuel Apetsi

“Everyone wants to procreate, have a miniature version of themselves running around, to carry on the family line.”― Paula Gruben, Umbilicus

Bloodline Quotes

🔹“I’d rather burn in a better kind of flame.”― Claudia Gray, Bloodline

🔹“If I keep loving you, maybe you’ll crack and love me too.”― Richelle Mead, The Indigo Spell

🔹“In united families, they might sleep with half filled stomach but no one sleeps with empty stomach.”― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

🔹“In your name, the family name is at last because it’s the family name that lasts.”― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

🔹“Maintaining the bloodline keeps the knowledge. It’s so the knowledge was kept alive in a physical way…. We were able to maintain the purity of the message and not be corrupted … or destroyed.”― Reena Kumarasingham, Divine Consciousness: The Secret Story of James the Brother of Jesus, St Paul and the Early Christian Church

🔹“Not prayer nor Bible verse, nor scholarship nor wit, nor grant under seal nor statute law can alter the fact of villain blood. Not all his craft and guile can make him a Howard, or a Cheney, or a Fitzwilliam, a Stanley or even a Seymour: not even in an emergency.”― Hilary Mantel, The Mirror & the Light

🔹“Some of us can live without a society but not without a family.”― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words
“To find riches is a beggar’s dream, but to find love is the dream of kings.”― Sidney Sheldon, Bloodline

🔹““You can take the Indian out of the family, but you cannot take the family out of the Indian.”― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

🔹“Neighbors and strangers will influence us based on physical proximity. This is true for the people living in our neighborhood and the strangers we brush up against in the shopping mall.”― Trevor N. Lewis, Abbigayle McKinney

🔹“All kings and queens are not born of royal bloodlines. Some become royal because of what they do once they realize who they are.- Pharrell Williams

🔹“An old meaning of the word ‘restoration’ is to find someone with a royal bloodline who has been removed from the throne and then restore the person to that throne – to a position of honor.

🔹“Humans didn’t really fight over skin tone or ideology; those were just handy cues for kin-selection purposes.

🔹“Ultimately it always came down to bloodlines and limited resources.- Peter Watts

🔹“I grew up in a Hollywood family with money, so money is not the reason I make music. I’m as Hollywood as it gets. Not internally but externally – that’s my bloodline.- Robin Thicke

🔹“I lay in the dark thinking about the difficulties of family, how crazy and crooked the stories of a bloodline can be.- Patrick deWitt

🔹“I saw Dad’s eyes widen just a fraction when he heard my voice catch. He glanced at me but quickly turned away. He didn’t want me to see his reaction, but I did, and I’ll never forget it. In that brief glimpse, I could see what he was thinking behind that fixed stare. There would be no grandkids, there would be no more Creed family bloodline, nothing else to look forward to. From that point on I’d become the last, most devastating disappointment in what he thought his life had added up to–one overwhelming failure.- Perry Moore

🔹“I will be known forever as the Puppy who chased a cutpurse and caught fish garbage instead. My descendants will pretend I’m not in their bloodline. No – no one will want to make descendants with me. [from Beka Cooper’s journal of her first day as a new Dog i.e. cop]- Tamora Pierce

🔹“In the African matrilineal society, the lineage of the bloodline comes down through the female side.

🔹“The Arabs who invaded East Africa and other parts of Africa reversed it to the patrilineal where everything comes down through the male side and the woman has no basic rights except that which the male is willing to grant her.- John Henrik Clarke

🔹“Jews took it very seriously to marry other Jews and repopulate the Jewish bloodline, and my father’s generation gets very serious in my household when they’re like, “You have to marry another Jew,” because that’s still kind of the mentality coming from the baby boomers. So I know that type of pressure.- Logan Lerman

🔹“Judaism is not a religion. At best, it is a racial credo, designed to maintain racial cohesion, in this case the Khazar bloodlines.- Henry Makow

🔹“Just like my straight friends, I am repeatedly asked when I plan to have kids, and have been told many times, by various branches of my bloodline, that “even lesbians can have babies these days.”- Beth Ditto

🔹“My mother helped me identify myself the way the world would identify me. Bloodlines didn’t matter as much as how I would be perceived.- Halle Berry

🔹“Our ancestors are looking for us even if we’re not looking for them. And by our ancestors I mean our bloodlines and the ancestors of the place where we live and our spiritual kin who go beyond our biological families. We could be walking around carrying an entire ancestral history of the wrong kind for us. – Robert Moss

🔹“Power travels in the bloodlines, handed out before birth.- Louise Erdrich

🔹“Raisa felt relieved, yet oddly disappointed. She was the blooded princess heir, yet in servants’ clothes she was apparently unrecognizable. In the stories, rulers had a natural presence about them that identified them as such, even dressed in rags. What’s the nature of royalty, she wondered. Is it like a gown you put on that disappears when you take it off? Does anyone look beyond the finery? Could anyone in the queendom take her place, given the right accessories? If so, it was contrary to everything she’d ever been taught about bloodlines.- Cinda Williams Chima

🔹“The bloodline of Jesus is thicker, deeper, stronger than the bloodline of race, ethnicity and family. – John Piper

🔹“The families in positions of great financial power obsessively interbreed with each other. But I’m not talking about one Earth race, Jewish or non-Jewish. I’m talking about a genetic network that operates through all races, this bloodline being a fusion of human and reptilian genes.- David Icke

🔹“There is not enough magic in a bloodline to forge an instant, irrevocable bond.- James Earl Jones
Unlike most heritages, Western civilization is not primarily a geographical place or a genetic bloodline. It is a state of mind. No matter where on earth one was born, to become heir to Western civilization’s ancestry, one need only pledge allegiance to reason and individual liberty-the civilized, life-affirming values that represent the “West at its best.” – Terri Runnels

🔹“Vampires as creatures have evolved over time as different vampire bloodlines have hit different populations of humans. Every once in a while the blood will make something new and mutate into a new species with different powers, abilities, weakness, physical characteristics, and so on. I don’t want to give anything away, but there are whole species and branches that date all the way back to pre-modern times.- Scott Snyder

🔹“When I was a boy, I would ask about my family history, about my bloodlines. We really didn’t know that much. We had a little Indian in us from the Oklahoma Trail of Tears.- Brad Pitt

🔹“When you study our greatest artists, you will find that they give us a key to understand how to deal with each other, and that our bloodlines are intertwined. It’s not hyphenated America. That there is an America, and it is expressed in those arts. It gives us a key to figure out how to negotiate with each other, and it tells us actually who we are.- Wynton Marsalis

🔹“You know how we’d get along better? If everybody’d just remember how we’re all related. White, black, Asian, skin. No difference. All the bloodlines go back to that one old mama in Africa. – Charles de Lint

Bloodline quotes by Sally Rayburn

🔹“Did you know if you scramble the letters of your name, it spells Zodiac Ram? And you’re an Aries.” — Meg Rayburn

🔹“Well, I guess she didn’t want her legacy being another fuckin’ yacht club. Or maybe she didn’t feel great about putting me out of business, I don’t know.” — Kevin Rayburn

🔹“When something’s lost, something else is gained.” — Chelsea O’Bannon

“When you really have no choice, you run away.” — Sally Rayburn

Bloodline quotes by Sally Rayburn

🔹“You have finally lived up to your father’s expectations, Danny.” — Sally Rayburn

Bloodline quotes by Danny Rayburn

🔹“Do you know what killed her? The necklace. That’s all it was. Dropped it in the sea, and went in after it. Little seahorse.” — Danny Rayburn

“I don’t care about you. You don’t mean anything to me. And if I mean something to you, you mean less than nothing to me.” — Danny Rayburn

Bloodline quotes by Danny Rayburn

🔹“No, baby. I’m not threatening you. I am not threatening you. I could fucking threaten you. I could do the big-brother thing. Bully around the little sister. It’s never been our relationship, though, has it? I’ve always looked out for you. Even when we were little kids, I felt sorry for you because Dad hated me, but at least I got his attention.” — Danny Rayburn

🔹“Yeah, don’t worry about it. You can’t hurt this guy, he’s made of Rayburn.” — Danny Rayburn

🔹“You always took dad’s side. You never protected me. I never felt safe in this house. And now, none of you are safe in this house.” — Danny Rayburn

🔹“You know something, Kevin, if you hated me half as much as you hate yourself, you’d have used it.” — Danny Rayburn

🔹“You look just like that little boy that John and me used to spend so much time ignoring.” — Danny Rayburn

🔹“Your life’s not always gonna be this perfect. Things happen to people. And then you’ll need me. And then you’ll know.” — Danny Rayburn

Bloodline quotes by John Rayburn

🔹“Sometimes you know something’s coming. You feel it in the air. In your gut. You don’t sleep at night. The voice in your head’s telling you that something is gonna go terribly wrong. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. That’s how I felt when my brother came home.” — John Rayburn

🔹“Danny turned us into that family you don’t want to be. He made a mistake. He made a big mistake. Now we’re all paying for it.” — John Rayburn

🔹“I always thought the greatest thing that happened to me was being born a Rayburn. Now I’m not so sure. I’m gonna tell you everything. It’s not very pleasant. But it’s the truth. What we did to our brother we had to do. Please don’t judge us. We’re not bad people. But we did a bad thing.” — John Rayburn

🔹“I didn’t know why he decided to come back. I didn’t know then what he’s running from. None of us did. I just knew he was always getting into trouble. And I was always coming to his rescue. Trying to save him from himself. But this time I didn’t know whether I’d be able to save him.”— John Rayburn

🔹“I think you get plenty of women. I think you have no problem getting women. But I think there’s a big difference between quality and quantity.” — John Rayburn

“I’m almost at the end of the story now. And then I put my fate in your hands.” — John Rayburn

Bloodline quotes by John Rayburn

🔹“My sister is a good person. She takes care of people. She wants everyone to be happy. But when our brother came home, that was impossible. There was no way for her to make everyone happy.” — John Rayburn

🔹“You never think these things will happen to you. Some terrible thing happens to the family down the street, and you think, “thank God we’re not them. Thank God we’re not that family.” And then one day you wake up, and you *are* them. And you can never look at yourself the same way again.” — John Rayburn


Bloodline Quotes provide great insight into the strength of family ties and the importance of relationships. They remind us to cherish our loved ones and to remember that we are all part of a larger family. No matter what obstacles we may face, there is always strength and inspiration in our bloodline.

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