George Harrison Quotes

George Harrison Quotes – Reflections on Life, Love, and Music

George Harrison was one of the most beloved and influential figures in music history. His profound and often inspirational words touched the hearts of generations of fans, and his legacy continues to live on through his timeless music. Here are some of the most profound George Harrison Quotes that capture his unique outlook on life, love, and spirituality.

Best Of George Harrison Quotes

🔸“At death, you’re going to be needing some spiritual guidance and some kind of inner knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of the physical world… it’s what’s inside that counts.”

🔸“Even if it’s being a Beatle for the rest of my life, it’s still only a temporary thing.”

🔸“Everybody is worried about dying, but the cause of death is birth, so if you don’t want to die, you don’t get born!”

🔸“I consider myself perfectly normal, and I don’t know of any part of my life that would be so unusual as to interest the idly curious.”

🔸“I have suffered for this book; now it’s your turn.”

🔸“I’m sitting here doing nothing but ageing while my guitar gently weeps.”

🔸“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there.”

“Life goes on within you and without you. I just have a belief that this is only one little bit, the physical world is one little bit of the universe.”

Best Of George Harrison Quotes

🔸“Life is like a raindrop on a lotus leaf. Everybody realizes that you’re either a very lucky person or you’re not. That’s it really; it’s all love, whichever way you look at it, it’s all love. How much you can get from each other and that’s determined by how much you’re giving to each other.”

🔸“The whole thing of life and all the answers to everything are in one divine law, Karma action and reaction.”

🔸“Try to realize it’s all within yourself, no one else can make you change, and to see you’re only very small and life flows on within you and without you.”

🔸“You’ve got as many lives as you like, and more, even ones you don’t want.”

George Harrison Quotes About Spirituality

🔸“All religions are branches of one big tree”

🔸“Consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception.”

🔸“Down through the ages, there has always been the spiritual path. It’s been passed on – it always will be – and if anybody ever wants it in any age, it’s always there.”

🔸“Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait.”

🔸“God is actually inside. He lives in our hearts.”

🔸“Hare Krishna, Peace and Love.”

🔸“If God is unlimited, then He can appear in any form, whichever way He likes to appear.”

🔸“It is better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite.”

🔸“It’s all in the mind.”

🔸“The Lord is in everything that’s in creation. So, when you look at a tree, it’s really a reflection of God. You see it in other people – that’s him too, you know?”

🔸“The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery of the God in each of us.”

George Harrison Quotes On Beatles

🔸“As far as I’m concerned, there won’t be a Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon remains dead.”

🔸“I hope to have enough money to go into a business of my own by the time we, umm, do flop.”

🔸“I just got so fed up with the bad vibes. I didn’t care if it was The Beatles; I was getting out.”

🔸“If we’d know we were going to be The Beatles, we’d have tried harder.”

🔸“It was all part of being a Beatle, really: just getting lugged around and thrust into rooms full of pressmen taking pictures and asking questions.”

🔸“Once you’ve been a Beatle, you’re never really out of it. People always want to know what you’re up to, and if you don’t immediately tell ’em, that’s when they start making stuff up.”

“People say I’m the Beatle who changed the most, but to me, that’s what life’s about.”

George Harrison Quotes On Beatles

🔸“The Beatles saved the world from boredom.”

🔸“The Beatles will exist without us.”

🔸“The Beatles will go on and on.”

🔸“The biggest break in my career was getting into The Beatles in 1962. The second biggest break since then is getting out of them.”

🔸“We do like the fans and enjoy reading the publicity about us, but sometimes you don’t realize that it’s about yourself.”

🔸“We were the Spice Boys.”

🔸“What good are three Beatles without John?”

Famous George Harrison Quotes

🔸“A little understanding of ‘As you sow, so shall you reap’ is important, because then you can’t blame the condition you’re in on anyone else.”

🔸“All I’ve got to be is be happy.”

🔸“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.”

🔸“All things must pass, all things must pass away.”

🔸“Beware of sadness. It can hit you. It can hurt you, make you sore, and what is more. That is not what we are here for.”

🔸“Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by nature.”

🔸“Gossip is the Devil’s radio.”

“Heaven and hell is right now, right at this moment. You make it heaven or you make it hell by your actions.”

Famous George Harrison Quotes

🔸“I wanted to be successful, not famous.”

🔸“If we were all perfected beings, we wouldn’t be here in the physical world.”

🔸“It’s a thingy! A fiendish thingy!”

🔸“So, whatever the true self is, the way to approach it is through that meditation or some form of yoga.”

🔸“Sometimes I feel like I’m actually on the wrong planet. It’s great when I’m in my garden, but the minute I go out the gate I think, ‘What the hell am I doing here?'”

🔸“The fact that we’re all here in these bodies means that we’re not perfected.”

🔸“When the truth gets buried deep beneath a thousand years of sleep, time demands a turnaround. And once again the truth is found.”

🔸“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.”

🔸“With every mistake, we must surely be learning.”

🔸“You see, with the meditation, the natural thing, it comes: consciousness expansion.”

🔸“Your own space, man, it’s so important. That’s why we were doomed because we didn’t have any.”

George Harrison Love Quotes

🔸“Give me love, give me peace on earth, give me light, give me life… with this heavy load trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul.”

🔸“Helping us all to remember what we came here for. This is love.”

🔸“I fell in love, not with anything or anybody in particular but with everything.”

🔸“Make love, take love, but you should give love. And try to live love.”

🔸“My life belongs to me, my love belongs to those who can see it.”

🔸“The only thing we really have to work at in this life is how to manifest love.”

🔸“With our love, we could save the world.”

George Harrison Quotes About Music

🔸“I think the popular music has gone truly weird. It’s either cutesy-wutesy or it’s hard, nasty stuff. It’s good that this has life again with the youth.”

🔸“I’m only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.”

🔸“It doesn’t really matter what chords I play, what words I say or time of day it is, as it’s only a Northern song.”

🔸“Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly.”

🔸“Love one another.”

“Music should be used for the perception of God, not jitterbugging.”

George Harrison Quotes About Music

🔸“My main problem is trying to write lyrics, and I don’t think it is worth writing songs and getting someone else to write lyrics because you don’t feel as if you have done it, really.”

🔸“Rap bores me, and all the glamour rock groups like Bon Jovi just amuse me.”

🔸“To the best of my knowledge, none of the Beatles can read music.”

🔸“Writing a song is like going to confession.”

George Harrison Quotes About Christ

🔸“Although Christ in my mind is an absolute yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ. They’re supposed to be representing Jesus, but they’re not doing it very well. They’re letting him down very badly, and that’s a big turn off.”

🔸“Christ was the one washing the leper’s feet so he was very, very humble, but it’s not the way People are putting it down now. They feel as though God is that up there and they are that down there and they don’t realise that they are God and that Christ was exactly the same as us but he realises that he was God.”

🔸“I want the Pope to have the Christ consciousness. I don’t want to just talk about Christ.”

🔸“Prayer is to vibrate, do the devotion, whatever it is, to whoever you believe in, Christ or Buddha or Krishna or any of them. You get the response depending on how much you need it.”

🔸“The Greek word for Christ is Kristos, which is, let’s face it, Krishna, and Kristos is the same name actually.”

🔸“The Guru and Disciple relationship is where the person has a 100% belief in the Guru and that way you put your trust in the Guru, that he’s going to get you out of this mess. If you are a Christian, then Christ is your Guru, and they’re all disciples of Christ.”

🔸“Through Hinduism, I feel a better person. I just get happier and happier. I now feel that I am unlimited, and I am more in control of my own physical body. The thing is, you go to an ordinary church and it’s a nice feeling. They tell you all about God, but they don’t show you how the way. They don’t show you how to become Christ-concious yourself. Hinduism, however, is different.”

🔸“Through Yoga, anybody can attain; it’s a God realisation; you just practise Yoga and if you really mean it, then you’ll do it. There’s Yogis that have done it to such a degree that they’re God, they’re like Christ and they can walk on the water and materialise bodies and they can do all those tricks.”

🔸“You go on being reincarnated until you reach the actual Truth. Heaven and Hell are just a state of mind. We are all here to become Christ-like. The actual world is an illusion.”

George Harrison Quotes About Consciousness

“God’s all happiness, all bliss, and by chanting His names we connect with Him. So it’s really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant.”

George Harrison Quotes About Consciousness

🔸“How long it will take until we get to a Golden Age where everybody’s perfectly in tune with God’s will, I don’t know; but because of Prabhupada, Krishna consciousness has certainly spread more in the last sixteen years than it has since the sixteenth century, since the time of Lord Caitanya. The mantra has spread more quickly and the movement’s gotten bigger and bigger.”

🔸“I want the Pope to have the Christ consciousness. I don’t want to just talk about Christ.”

🔸“If there’s a God, I want to see Him. It’s pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception.”

🔸“It’s a matter of turning your consciousness inward in order to then realize that God is in there, and then you can see him outside too. It’s just a shift in attitude, really.”

🔸“Krishna consciousness was especially good for me because I didn’t get the feeling that I’d have to shave my head, move into a temple, and do it full time. So it was a spiritual thing that just fit in with my life-style. I could still be a musician, but I just changed my consciousness, that’s all.”

🔸“Krishna is God, and by chanting His Holy Names, the devotee quickly develops God-consciousness.”

🔸“Life is like a piece of string with a lot of knots tied in it. The knots are the karma you’re born with from all your past lives, and the object of human life is to try and undo all those knots. That’s what chanting and meditation in God consciousness can do. Otherwise you simply tie another ten knots each time you try to undo one knot. That’s how karma works.”

🔸“Part of Krishna consciousness is trying to tune in all the senses of all the people: to experience God through all the senses, not just by experiencing Him on Sunday, through your knees by kneeling on some hard wooden kneeler in the church.”

🔸“People are all ignorant, they fear new things, they fear knowledge somehow, I don’t know why. Everything that I ever learned was always so great. I never thought so at the time, it was just that little bit more in your mind an expansion of consciousness or awareness.”

🔸“So it’s really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant.”

🔸“The best thing anyone can give to humanity is God consciousness. Then you can really give them something. But first you have to concentrate on your own spiritual advancement; so in a sense we have to become selfish to become selfless.”

🔸“The best thing you can give is God consciousness. Manifest your own divinity first. The truth is there. It’s right within us all. Understand what you are.”

🔸“The greatest thing anyone can give humanity is God consciousness.”

🔸“The media is to blame for everything, for all the misconceptions about the movement, but in a sense it didn’t really matter if they said something good or bad, because Krishna consciousness always seemed to transcend that barrier anyway. The fact that the media was letting people know about Krishna was good in itself.”

🔸“There’s the whole significance of Krishna as the flute player who awakens our consciousness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a flute because for me it was a sitar or a guitar or even Elvis Presley doing “Heartbreak Hotel.” It was like Krishna’s flute calling me somewhere. It’s just really simple when we can remember.”

🔸“Through all ages, great saints have remained as living proof that this non-temporary, permanent state of God consciousness can be revived in all living souls.”

George Harrison Quotes About Giving

🔸“Everybody knows that if they’re happy then usually the people around them are happy, or that people around them happy make them a little happier; that’s a proved thing, like “I give to you and you give to me”; they all know that but they haven’t thought about it to the point of every action that they do. That’s what it is with every action that you do, there’s a reaction to it, and if you want a good reaction then you do a good action, and if you want a bad one, then you punch somebody.”

🔸“Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul I do believe in growing old gracefully, and when the time comes that I would look silly performing on stage, I’ll be prepared to give it up without regrets.”

🔸“I keep stacks of Autobiography of a Yogi around the house, and I give it out constantly to people. When people need ‘regrooving,’ I say read this, because it cuts to the heart of every religion.”

🔸“I know chances are if I don’t give an interview or make a public appearance or statement from time to time, they’ll invent one. Every so often, I suppose people ask, ‘Whatever happened to that other Beatle, George Harrison?’ And someone comes around with a ready answer, no matter how preposterous it seems.”

🔸“It’s possibly the worst price one has to pay for what they call stardom.”

🔸“I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, ‘You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don’t need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly I’ll give up this sort of touring madness certainly, but music-everything is based on music. No, I’ll never stop my music.”

🔸“Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly.”

🔸“Make love, take love, but you should give love. And try to live love.”

🔸“Now it may seem so far from where we all are It’s something we can’t neglect It’s something I can’t neglect Now won’t you give some bread to get the starving fed Prabhupada’s definitely affected the world in an absolute way. What he was giving us was the highest literature, the highest knowledge. I mean there just isn’t anything higher.”

🔸“That’s it really; it’s all love, whichever way you look at it, it’s all love. How much you can Get from each other and that’s determined by how much you’re Giving to each other… But it all starts Within our self and then it spreads to those around us, Good & Bad. But basically that’s it, I think it’s the Love that we can generate is = to the Love that we get back Amen The aim is to get as much going out the back as is coming in. You’ve got to do that because for everything you get in you’ve got to give something out.”

🔸“The best thing anyone can give to humanity is God consciousness. Then you can really give them something. But first you have to concentrate on your own spiritual advancement; so in a sense we have to become selfish to become selfless.”

🔸“The best thing you can give is God consciousness. Manifest your own divinity first. The truth is there. It’s right within us all. Understand what you are.”

🔸“The greatest thing anyone can give humanity is God consciousness.”

“The people gave their money and they gave their screams, but the Beatles gave their nervous systems, which is a much more difficult thing to give.”

George Harrison Quotes About Giving

🔸“There are those superstars who refuse to give anything of themselves to the public except what they see on-screen. In movies and on records, it’s easy to insulate one’s self from the public; that’s why I think I wouldn’t care to be a television performer, particularly in the States, where TV stardom is so intimate.
won’t you give some bread to get the starving fed You can’t understand the first thing about God unless you love Him. These big so – called Vedic scholars – they don’t necessarily love Krishna, so they can’t understand Him and give Him to us.”

George Harrison Quotes About Heart

🔸“Dear one, near me, truth assessed, reborn worldwise, mind at rest. True heart sow you, God has blessed, your soul whispers, love confessed.”

🔸“Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul God is actually inside. He lives in our hearts.”

🔸“I don’t want to be like you. I look for the pure of heart, and the ones that have made a start.”

🔸“I keep stacks of Autobiography of a Yogi around the house, and I give it out constantly to people. When people need ‘regrooving,’ I say read this, because it cuts to the heart of every religion.”

🔸“I’d like to think that all the old Beatle fans have grown up and they’ve got married and they’ve all got kids and they’re all more responsible, but they still have a space in their hearts for us.”

🔸“I’m grateful to myself and those closest to me me for having given me that non-material base that means I’m a happy man, one who doesn’t have to compete or engineer projects he doesn’t have his heart in.”

🔸“Krishna is dwelling in the hearts of everybody. It doesn’t matter what kind of body you’ve got, the Lord’s there with you. We’re all the same really.”

🔸“People are simply screwing up when they go out and buy beef steak, which is killing them with cancer and heart troubles. The stuff costs a fortune too. You could feed a thousand people with lentil soup for the cost of half a dozen filets. Does that make sense?”

🔸“There’s a bottomless heart hooked into all of you and it’s wondering how much you care.”

🔸“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so if you can get to a man’s spirit soul by eating, and it works, why not do it? There’s nothing better than having been chanting and dancing, or just sitting and talking philosophy, and then suddenly the devotees bring out the prasadam. It’s a blessing from Krishna, and it’s spiritually important.”

🔸“What’s often in your heart is the hardest to reach.”

George Harrison Quotes About Krishna

🔸“Chanting doesn’t stop you from being creative or productive. It actually helps you concentrate. I think this would make a great sketch for television: imagine all the workers on the Ford assembly line in Detroit, all of them chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna while bolting on the wheels. Now that would be wonderful. It might help out the auto industry, and probably there would be more decent cars too.”

🔸“Chanting Hare Krishna is a type of meditation that can be practiced even if the mind is in turbulence. You can even be doing it and other things at the same time. That’s what’s so nice. In my life there’s been many times the mantra brought things around. It keeps me in tune with reality, and the more you sit in one place and chant, the more incense you offer to Krishna in the same room, the more you purify the vibration, the more you can achieve what you’re trying to do, which is just trying to remember God, God, God, God, God, as often as possible.”

🔸“Chanting Hare Krishna is really the same sort of thing as meditation, but I think it has a quicker effect. I mean, even if you put your beads down, you can still say the mantra or sing it without actually keeping track on your beads.”

🔸“Everybody is looking for Krishna. Some don’t realize that they are, but they are.”

🔸“Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing.”

🔸“Hallelujah is a joyous expression the Christians have, but “Hare Krishna” has a mystical side to it. It’s more than just glorifying God; it’s asking to become His servant. And because of the way the mantra is put together, with the mystic spiritual energy contained in those syllables, it’s much closer to God than the way  Christianity currently seems to be representing Him.”

🔸“Hare Krishna, Peace and Love I’ve always enjoyed prasadam much more when I’ve been at the temple, or when I’ve actually been sitting with Prabhupada, than when somebody’s brought it to me. Sometimes you can sit there with prasadam and find that three or four hours have gone by and you didn’t even know it. Prasadam really helped me a lot, because you start to realize “Now I’m tasting Krishna.”

🔸“If there’s a God, I want to see Him. It’s pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception.”

🔸“In the beginning was the word and that’s the thing about Krishna, saying Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, so it’s not the word that you’re saying, it’s the sound: Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna and it’s just sounds and it’s great.”

🔸“Krishna consciousness was especially good for me because I didn’t get the feeling that I’d have to shave my head, move into a temple, and do it full time. So it was a spiritual thing that just fit in with my life-style. I could still be a musician, but I just changed my consciousness, that’s all.”

🔸“Krishna is dwelling in the hearts of everybody. It doesn’t matter what kind of body you’ve got, the Lord’s there with you. We’re all the same really.”

🔸“Krishna is God, and by chanting His Holy Names, the devotee quickly develops God-consciousness.”

🔸“Krishna is God, the source of all that exists, the cause of all that is, was, or ever will be.”

🔸“My sweet Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hare krishna.”

🔸“No matter how much money you’ve got, it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. You have to find your happiness with the problems you have, not worry too much about them, and chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.”

🔸“That was the thing about Prabhupada, you see. He didn’t just talk about loving Krishna and getting out of this place, but he was the perfect example. He talked about always chanting, and he was always chanting. I think that that in itself was perhaps the most encouraging thing for me. It was enough to make me try harder, to be just a little bit better. He was a perfect example of everything he preached.”

🔸“The Greek word for Christ is Kristos, which is, let’s face it, Krishna, and Kristos is the same name actually.”

🔸“The media is to blame for everything, for all the misconceptions about the movement, but in a sense it didn’t really matter if they said something good or bad, because Krishna consciousness always seemed to transcend that barrier anyway. The fact that the media was letting people know about Krishna was good in itself.”

🔸“There’s the whole significance of Krishna as the flute player who awakens our consciousness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a flute because for me it was a sitar or a guitar or even Elvis Presley doing “Heartbreak Hotel.” It was like Krishna’s flute calling me somewhere. It’s just really simple when we can remember.”

🔸“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so if you can get to a man’s spirit soul by eating, and it works, why not do it? There’s nothing better than having been chanting and dancing, or just sitting and talking philosophy, and then suddenly the devotees bring out the prasadam. It’s a blessing from Krishna, and it’s spiritually important.”

🔸“When I say that “l see God,” I don’t necessarily mean to say that when I chant I’m seeing Krishna in His original form when He came five thousand years ago, dancing across the water, playing His flute. Of course, that would also be nice, and it’s quite possible too. When you become real pure by chanting, you can actually see God like that, I mean personally. But no doubt you can feel His presence and know that He’s there when you’re chanting.”

“When you’re open to something it’s like being a beacon, and you attract it. From the first time I heard the chanting Hare Krishna, it was like a door opened somewhere in my subconscious, maybe from some previous life.”

George Harrison Quotes About Krishna

🔸“Why should God be limited? Even if you get Him as Krishna, He is not limited to that picture of Krishna. He can be the baby form, He can be Govinda and manifest in so many other well-known forms. You can see Krishna as a little boy, which is how I like to see Krishna. It’s a joyful relationship.”

🔸“You can’t understand the first thing about God unless you love Him. These big so – called Vedic scholars – they don’t necessarily love Krishna, so they can’t understand Him and give Him to us.”

George Harrison Quotes About Meditation

🔸“Chanting Hare Krishna is a type of meditation that can be practiced even if the mind is in turbulence. You can even be doing it and other things at the same time. That’s what’s so nice. In my life there’s been many times the mantra brought things around. It keeps me in tune with reality, and the more you sit in one place and chant, the more incense you offer to Krishna in the same room, the more you purify the vibration, the more you can achieve what you’re trying to do, which is just trying to remember God, God, God, God, God, as often as possible.”

🔸“Consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain GOD perception.”

🔸“Definitely, I think it’s much more acceptable, the idea of meditation or yoga. The idea of God trying to contact the soul within ourselves. Back in the 60s it was a bit like, you know , the hippies or the philosophers were the only people.”

🔸“I still practice Transcendental Meditation and I think it’s great. Marharishi only ever did good for us, and although I have not been with him physically, I never left him.”

🔸“If there’s a God, I want to see Him. It’s pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception.”

🔸“Life is like a piece of string with a lot of knots tied in it. The knots are the karma you’re born with from all your past lives, and the object of human life is to try and undo all those knots. That’s what chanting and meditation in God consciousness can do. Otherwise you simply tie another ten knots each time you try to undo one knot. That’s how karma works.”

🔸“One of the main differences between silent meditation and chanting is that silent meditation is rather dependent on concentration, but when you chant, it’s more of a direct connection with God.”

George Harrison Quotes About Past

🔸“If a car comes past me in a traffic jam with a boom box going, I jump out of my skin. Those big booming basses. I’m just more sensitive to noise these days.”

🔸“It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.”

🔸“It’s wonderful to look back and think you were part of a force that shaped modern music and influenced the public in so many ways. However, that’s all in the past.”

🔸“Life is like a piece of string with a lot of knots tied in it. The knots are the karma you’re born with from all your past lives, and the object of human life is to try and undo all those knots. That’s what chanting and meditation in God consciousness can do. Otherwise you simply tie another ten knots each time you try to undo one knot. That’s how karma works.”

🔸“The Past is gone and the future might not even be, the only thing we ever experience is the now, I try to enjoy the minute.”

🔸“The thing that pleases me the most about it is that young people like it. It’s given kids from 6 to 16 an alternate view of music to what’s been available for the past 20 years.”

🔸“They used us as an excuse to go mad and then blamed it on us. Gandhi says create and preserve the image of your choice. The image of my choice is not Beatle George – those who want that can go and see Wings. Why live in the past? Be here now.”

🔸“We’re now the results of our past actions, and in the future we’ll be the results of the actions we’re performing now.”

George Harrison Quotes About Perception

🔸“Consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain GOD perception.”

🔸“If there’s a God, I want to see Him. It’s pointless to believe in something without proof, and Krishna consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain God perception. In that way you can see, hear and play with God. Perhaps this may sound weird, but God is really there next to you.”

🔸“It’s all in the mind.”

🔸“Music should be used for the perception of God, not jitterbugging.”

George Harrison Quotes About Philosophy

🔸“A mind that wants to wander around a corner is an un-wise mind. Now, is, be here now.”

🔸“Love, come and get it, it’s free.”

🔸“My life belongs to me, my love belongs to those who can see it.”

🔸“The action that I’ve started, sometime I’ll have to face. My influence in motion, rebounding back through space.”

🔸“There’s a bottomless heart hooked into all of you and it’s wondering how much you care.”

🔸“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so if you can get to a man’s spirit soul by eating, and it works, why not do it? There’s nothing better than having been chanting and dancing, or just sitting and talking philosophy, and then suddenly the devotees bring out the prasadam. It’s a blessing from Krishna, and it’s spiritually important.”

George Harrison Quotes About Politics

🔸“It’s easier to criticize somebody else, than to see yourself.”

🔸“Let me tell you how it will be. There’s one for you, nineteen for me. Cause I’m the taxman.”

🔸“Long time ago when we were fab, back when income tax was all we had.

George Harrison Quotes About Reality”

🔸“All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn’t matter what you call Him just as long as you call. Just as cinematic images appear to be real but are only combinations of light and shade, so is the universal variety a delusion. The planetary spheres, with their countless forms of life, are naught but figures in a cosmic motion picture. One’s values are profoundly changed when he is finally convinced that creation is only a vast motion picture and that not in, but beyond, lies his own ultimate reality.”

🔸“Chanting Hare Krishna is a type of meditation that can be practiced even if the mind is in turbulence. You can even be doing it and other things at the same time. That’s what’s so nice. In my life there’s been many times the mantra brought things around. It keeps me in tune with reality, and the more you sit in one place and chant, the more incense you offer to Krishna in the same room, the more you purify the vibration, the more you can achieve what you’re trying to do, which is just trying to remember God, God, God, God, God, as often as possible.”

🔸“Try to realize it’s all within yourself no one else can make you change, and to see you’re only very small and life flows on within you and without you.”

🔸“With our love, we could save the world.”

George Harrison Quotes About Religion

🔸“All religions are branches of one big tree.”

🔸“There’s a fire that burns away the lies, manifesting in the spiritual eye.”

🔸“You don’t need a passport and you don’t need no visas, you don’t need to designate or emigrate before you can see Jesus.”

George Harrison Quotes About Sadness

🔸“Beware of sadness It can hit you It can hurt you Make you sore and what is more That is not what you are here for.”

🔸“The microscopes that magnified the tears, studied warts and all. Still life flows on.”

🔸“The smile on your face is sometimes out of place, don’t mind no frowns, cheer down.”

George Harrison Quotes About Soul

🔸“Dear one, near me, truth assessed, reborn worldwise, mind at rest. True heart sow you, God has blessed, your soul whispers, love confessed.”

🔸“Definitely, I think it’s much more acceptable, the idea of meditation or yoga. The idea of God trying to contact the soul within ourselves. Back in the 60s it was a bit like, you know , the hippies or the philosophers were the only people.”

🔸“Friends are all souls that we’ve known in other lives. We’re drawn to each other. Even if I have only known them a day, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know.”

🔸“Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul I’d rather be one of the devotees of God than one of the straight, so-called sane or normal people who just don’t understand that man is a spiritual being, that he has a soul.”

🔸“They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so if you can get to a man’s spirit soul by eating, and it works, why not do it? There’s nothing better than having been chanting and dancing, or just sitting and talking philosophy, and then suddenly the devotees bring out the prasadam. It’s a blessing from Krishna, and it’s spiritually important.”

🔸“Through all ages, great saints have remained as living proof that this non-temporary, permanent state of God consciousness can be revived in all living souls.”

🔸“We are not these bodies, just souls having a bodily experience.”

🔸“We don’t, as a collective life on this planet, all get groovy together or all sink into ignorance together. One by one we liberate our souls, our individual souls, from the cycle by our own realizations.”

George Harrison Quotes About Style

🔸“Anyway, there is one thing I have learned and that is not to dress uncomfortably, in styles which hurt: winklepicker shoes that cripple your feet and tight pants that squash your balls. Indian clothes are better.

🔸“Krishna consciousness was especially good for me because I didn’t get the feeling that I’d have to shave my head, move into a temple, and do it full time. So it was a spiritual thing that just fit in with my life-style. I could still be a musician, but I just changed my consciousness, that’s all.

🔸“The Beatles are now history, and it would be unhealthy to try to make my way as a former member. I must admit I occasionally listen to our records, but usually it’s not deliberate. I’m more concerned with the present, with working out my own individual style and producing something new and worthwhile.

George Harrison Quotes About Tea

🔸“I’m a tidy sort of bloke. I don’t like chaos. I kept records in the record rack, tea in the tea caddy, and pot in the pot box.

🔸“If I had half a chance, I’d put acid in the Government’s tea.

🔸“Show me that I m everywhere and get me home for tea.

🔸“There was this big skiffle craze happening for a while in England…. Everybody was in a skiffle group..All you needed was an acoustic Guitar, a washboard with thimbles for percussion, and a tea-chest- you know, the ones they used to ship tea from India- and you just put a broom handle on it and a bit of string, and you had a only needed two chords; Jing-jinga-jing jing-jinga-jing jing-jinga-jing jing-jinga-jing. And I think that’s basically where i’ve always been at. I’m just a skiffler, you know. Now I do posh skiffle, that’s all it is.”

George Harrison Quotes About Today

🔸“Although Christ in my mind is an absolute yogi, I think many Christian teachers today are misrepresenting Christ. They’re supposed to be representing Jesus, but they’re not doing it very well. They’re letting him down very badly, and that’s a big turn off.”

🔸“My mum did encourage me, perhaps most of all by never discouraging me from anything I wanted to do. If you tell kids not to, they’re going to do it in the end anyway. I’d finished all that staying-out-all-night-drinking bit when everybody else came to it. Probably why I don’t like alcohol today. I had it all by the age of 10.”

🔸“There’s a point in me where it’s beyond sad, seeing the state of the world today. It’s so screwed up. It’s terrible, and it will be getting worse and worse. More concrete everywhere, more pollution, more radioactivity. There’s no wilderness left, no pure air. They’re chopping the forests down. They’re polluting all the oceans.”

🔸“There’s this morbid side to the way many represent Christianity today, where you don’t smile, because it’s too serious, and you can’t expect to see God – that kind of stuff. If there is God, we must see Him, and I don’t believe in the idea you find in most churches, where they say, “No, you’re not going to see Him. He’s way up above you. Just believe what we tell you and shut up.”

🔸“Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday.”

George Harrison Quotes About Waiting

🔸“Everything else can wait, but the search for God cannot wait.”

🔸“Friends are all souls that we’ve known in other lives. We’re drawn to each other. Even if I have only known them a day, it doesn’t matter. I’m not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know.”

🔸“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.”

George Harrison Quotes About Worry

🔸“Death is just where your suit falls off and now you’re in your other suit. You can’t see it on this level, but it’s all right. Don’t worry.”

🔸“No matter how much money you’ve got, it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. You have to find your happiness with the problems you have, not worry too much about them, and chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.”

🔸“Ringo would always say grammmatically incorrect phrases and we’d all laugh. I remember when we were driving back to Liverpool from Luton up the M1 motorway in Ringo’s Zephyr, and the car’s bonnet hadn’t been latched properly. The wind got under it and blew it up in front of the windscreen. We were all shouting, ‘Aaaargh!’ and Ringo calmly said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll soon have you back in your safely-beds.”

George Harrison Quotes About Yoga

🔸“Definitely, I think it’s much more acceptable, the idea of meditation or yoga. The idea of God trying to contact the soul within ourselves. Back in the 60s it was a bit like, you know , the hippies or the philosophers were the only people.”

🔸“Through Yoga, anybody can attain; it’s a God realisation; you just practise Yoga and if you really mean it, then you’ll do it. There’s Yogis that have done it to such a degree that they’re God, they’re like Christ and they can walk on the water and materialise bodies and they can do all those tricks.”

🔸“We are all one, I mean communication, just the realisation of human love reciprocated, it’s such a gas, it’s a good vibration which makes you feel good. These vibrations that you get through Yoga, Cosmic chants and things like that. I mean it’s such a buzz, it buzzes you out of everywhere. It’s nothing to do with pills or anything like that. It’s just in your own head, the realisation, it’s such a buzz, it buzzes you right into the astral plane.”

George Harrison Quotes On Success In Life

🔸“A little understanding of “As you sow, so shall you reap” is important, because then you can’t blame the condition you’re in on anyone else.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“All I got to be is be happy.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“And the time will come when you see, we’re all one, and life flows on within you and without you.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Badfinger was pretty good. It was a very sad story, though, because the guy, he ended up killing himself, Pete Ham, who was a lovely fellow, he was a good guitar player and a great singer, he wrote, the most famous tune I would imagine is “Without You”, you know the Harry Nilsson record.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Death is just where your suit falls off and now you’re in your other suit. You can’t see it on this level, but it’s all right. Don’t worry.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Didn’t want to be a star, wanted just to play guitar in this cockamamie business.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Everybody is worried about dying, but the cause of death is birth, so if you don’t want to die, you don’t get born!” ~ George Harrison, George Harrison quotes on death

🔸“Everybody would like to be good, that’s the silly thing, everybody always likes it when they’re having a nice time or when they’re happy or when it’s sunny, they all dig it; but then they go and forget about it, they never really try to make it nice. They think that it just comes along and it’s nice if you’re lucky, or if you’re unlucky it’s bad for you.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Everyone has choice when to and not to raise their voices: It’s you who decides.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Give me love, give me peace on earth, give me light, give me life” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Gossip is the Devil’s radio.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Having played with other musicians, I don’t even think The Beatles were that good.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Heaven and hell is right now. … You make it heaven or you make it hell by your actions.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I believe what it says in the scriptures and in the Bhagavad Gita: ‘Never was there a time when you did not exist, and there never will be a time when you cease to exist.’” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I fell in love, not with anything or anybody in particular but with everything.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I remember thinking I just want more. This isn’t it. Fame is not the goal. Money is not the goal. To be able to know how to get peace of mind, how to be happy, is something you don’t just stumble across. You’ve got to search for it.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, ‘You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don’t need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I used to think that having many material things would increase one’s stock of happiness. I found that to be completely untrue. The trappings don’t make the man at all.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I wanted to be successful, not famous.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“I’m only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn’t be a problem.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“If people would just wake up to what’s real, there would be no misery in the world. I guess chanting’s a pretty good place to start.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“In the end, this world will go under because of the stupidity of people.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“It is an outrage that people can take other people’s lives when they obviously haven’t got their own lives in order.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“It’s easier to criticize somebody else, than to see yourself.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“It’s easier to hurt someone and make them cry, than it is to dry their eyes.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Love one another (His last words)” ~ George Harrison

🔸“My life belongs to me, my love belongs to those who can see it.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“My son looks more like George Harrison than I do.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“No matter how good you are, you still need grace to get out of the material world. You can be a yogi or a monk or a nun, but without God’s grace you still can’t make it.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“No matter how much money you’ve got, it doesn’t necessarily make you happy. You have to find your happiness with the problems you have, not worry too much about them, and chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Once you realize something, then you can’t pretend you don’t know it any more.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“People are all ignorant, they fear new things, they fear knowledge somehow, I don’t know why. Everything that I ever learned was always so great. I never thought so at the time, it was just that little bit more in your mind an expansion of consciousness or awareness.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Rap music is just computerized crap. I listen to Top of the Pops and after three songs I feel like killing someone.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass, you know his faults, now let the foibles pass.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Since our problems have been our own creation, they also can be overcome.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Sometimes I feel like I’m actually on the wrong planet. It’s great when I’m in my garden, but the minute I go out the gate I think, ‘What the hell am I doing here?” ~ George Harrison

🔸“That’s it really; it’s all love, whichever way you look at it, it’s all love. How much you can Get from each other and that’s determined by how much you’re Giving to each other… But it all starts Within our self and then it spreads to those around us, Good & Bad. But basically that’s it, I think it’s the Love that we can generate is = to the Love that we get back Amen” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The “intellectuals” will always have problems, because they always need to “know.” They’re often the most spiritually bankrupt people, because they never let go; they don’t understand the meaning of “to transcend” the intellect.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The Beatles saved the world from boredom.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The more I go inside, the more there is to see.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The only thing we really have to work at in this life is how to manifest love.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The Past is gone and the future might not even be, the only thing we ever experience is the now, I try to enjoy the minute.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The purpose of life is to find out ‘Who am I?’, ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘Where am I going?’” ~ George Harrison

🔸“The response that comes from chanting is in the form of bliss, or spiritual happiness, which is a much higher taste than any happiness found here in the material world. That’s why I say that the more you do it, the more you don’t want to stop, because it feels so nice and peaceful.” ~ George Harrison, George Harrison quotes on spirituality

🔸“The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery of the God in each of us.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“There’s a bottomless heart hooked into all of you and it’s wondering how much you care.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Try to realize it’s all within yourself no one else can make you change, and to see you’re only very small and life flows on within you and without you.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“We are not these bodies, just souls having a bodily experience.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“We’re now the results of our past actions, and in the future we’ll be the results of the actions we’re performing now.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“We’re trying to impress ourselves in a way. That’s why we keep trying to do things better… we never get satisfied.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“What’s often in your heart is the hardest to reach.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Why live in the darkness all your life? Why, if you are unhappy, if you are having a miserable time, why not just look at it? Why are you in the darkness? Look for the light. The light is within.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“With every mistake, we must surely be learning.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Without going out of my door I can know all things on Earth.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven” ~ George Harrison

🔸“Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday.” ~ George Harrison

🔸“You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they’re ready to get it.” ~ George Harrison

George Harrison Inspiring Quotes About Life

🔸“All religions are branches of one big tree.”

🔸“All there is, ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it. We can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.”

🔸“If you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there.”

🔸“Try to realize it’s all within yourself, no one else can make you change, and to see you’re only very small, and life flows on within you and without you.”

🔸“When you’ve seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there.”

🔸“With our love, we could save the world.”



George Harrison Quotes are timeless and will remain relevant for generations to come. His words of wisdom and insight are truly inspiring, motivating us to strive for a better version of ourselves and a more meaningful life. His words will continue to bring comfort, joy, and hope to those who seek it. George Harrison’s legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of all who were touched by his music and words.